View Full Version : Random attacks

09-11-10, 10:18
I wonder why these attacks can just come on from nowhere, even when i've not been thinking about anything the light headedness, dizzy like I feel I could faint then it gets my heart racing and I go sick! then all the crawling/itchy feeling come along....it could last an hour or all day but makes you feel exhausted and not wanting to do anything...which is hard when theres baby, washing, cooking, cleaning....and so on!

I have to have a 24hr heart monitor fitted this month to see if my heart rate has anything to do with the dizzyness, I don't reckon it has but do know my heart will be racing in the hospital anyway! cant win!!!:unsure:

10-11-10, 23:27

I just wanted to leave you a short reply to say I get very similar attacks. Although I don't get too dizzy I do get a sensation of my heart racing out of the blue and it always spirals me into panic. I really hope the heart monitor works out ok. Because it measures over 24 hours they should get a reliable reading.

Fingers crossed they ease up for you!

paula lynne
10-11-10, 23:36
Oh luv, you need a night off! Get a babysitter and go out, I know youre exhausted, but you really need some downtime. Panic and anx will raise its head when we are under stress, and you sound like youve got a lot at the mo. Try to put the monitor out of your mind til you have it. I had a 24hr ecg a couple of monthes ago, and didnt let myself think about it til the morning I had it x Let us know how you get on xx

12-11-10, 01:37

First up, about the tiredness thing. If this is a panic attack or panic attack related medical condition causing panic, remember that what's basically happening is your body is secreting a lot of adrenaline, designed to make you want to run a 100 miles or fight a bear. Basically it is our defence mechanism from the times we lived in caves and hit people with clubs etc. Yeah yeah, I know, us men haven't got very far with the whole evolving thing...! :D

Adrenaline does lots of things. Your heart rate increases, you breathe faster (more oxygen to muscles). Blood moves away from the stomach and to your muscles very quickly, a) for fuel to muscles and b) to make you sick. You're sick so that you weigh less, which allows you to run faster. You become more alert as well because adrenaline triggers parts of the brain designed for input processing, so everything about your input becomes hypersensitive. You start sweating because that's one way to lose water - plus, it increases grip in your hands and makes you harder to get hold of. Quite literally.

Unfortunately when you don't need to fight a bear or suchlike it's quite an unpleasant experience because it creates the symptoms you describe. I had panic attacks for a while and I noticed most of these effects. Yes, it's very unpleasant, especially the tiredness comedown because it makes it harder to carry on. My big fear was vomiting, as I've just posted elsewhere and I don't get dizzy easily.

The thing to remember if it is just panic attacks is that adrenaline is actually a defence mechanism for the body. It is designed to keep you alive, not do you any harm. Adrenaline can't and doesn't hurt you. If it is just panic attacks (I know, it never feels like "just" panic attacks) then there are tons of resources to call on in order to help. Let us know, I'm sure plenty of us will point you in the right direction! Likewise for managing stress.

Of course, there could be an underlying problem. I'm glad the doctors have got you a 24 hr ECG. This will do one of two things for you:
* Find a problem if there is one.
* Convince you that your heart is fine.

If it turns out to be the former, think this through logically - you've found it and they can treat it, knowing what it is. if it is the latter, well, I hope my adrenaline-based knowledge helps explain things a little.

As others have said, though, you can't do anything until you've had it put on and taken off again. So I wouldn't worry too much. Remember, these are Doctors. Although they do make mistakes, it is very very very extremely very rare that they do, and if they thought you had a life threatening problem, you'd have been in hospital like a shot. I've seen that happen. So don't worry about it until you know what it is you're facing.

Anyway, I hope it goes well for you. Take care, take it easy, take a break, try to relax, have some "me" time, treat yourself like you've got flu and just be nice to yourself. Do things you like doing. Enjoy having the baby. They're really funny and usually full of smiles. If you've got a partner around and they aren't doing the washing, make him. If you haven't and have family nearby, maybe ask them? Friends maybe Just to take the pressure off a bit. Most decent human beings when seeing a friend so under pressure will help. Maybe ask a combination? Friends and family, so you spread yourself out across them? But as I say, do enjoy some time to yourself. Also, if you have a job, maybe worth explaining to your boss? They have an obligation to look after you whilst at work within reasonable limits and saying "I'm a bit under stress at the moment, can I adjust my hours/offload some of my work just a little" is quite reasonable. If it is work stressing you, do sort it out.

That's all the advice I can think of right now, I really hope it helps.

Also, don't you think we must have been really really good at fighting bears?!! :D