View Full Version : Had enough

08-11-10, 08:01
I have had enough of my symptoms they are getting worse day by day and it's really affecting my life!

I now have:-

Very bad throat pain.
Stomach aches and pains.
Bad headaches
Quite severe facial pain.
Shoulder pain.
Increasing neck pain.
Pains in-between my shoulder blades and in my back.
Chest discomfort.
Shortness of breath.
Feeling more weak and tired than ever.
Pain in my teeth.
Problems with diarrhoea.

This is making my life hell I hope something changes quickly I would rather be put out of my misery then keep going through this.

08-11-10, 12:07
sorry to hear x x

08-11-10, 14:55
The amount of pain i'm in and with all the problems i've got, i have probably got a serious illness/disease or i'll end up dying soon or something.

08-11-10, 18:04
Aww you won't die Eggy and you have some of the appointments through now don't you?

09-11-10, 00:44
Sorry your feeling so bad eggy I'm here anytime you need a chat. You will get through this. Xx

09-11-10, 02:44
I was asleep from 3pm this afternoon until around 11.30pm as i keep feeling really sleep lately and having all these pains just makes me wanna do nothing and sleep all the time to get away from it.

So so sick of these throat pain and this pain in my face/mouth and now i am having very bad pain in-between my shoulder blades and i just feel drowsy and out of it lately.

I still think there is something seriously wrong with me. :weep:

09-11-10, 11:23
Could the pain be muscular the top of my back n chest really hurts especially when I breathe x

09-11-10, 12:24
Aww you won't die Eggy and you have some of the appointments through now don't you?

Only got one appointment through and that's for the ENT the day before Christmas Eve, Haven't got my Gastro appointment through yet.

09-11-10, 13:46
Are you keeping a diary of your symptoms ?
I have been feeling tired too , could be the lack of sun S.A.D .

09-11-10, 15:00
have you seen the doctor about your symptoms?
also do you have health anxiety?
and some advice, cut out the caffeine, lie straight on the floor for as long as u can stand to do so everyday and try eating healthier x