View Full Version : no appetite ??!!

05-11-10, 20:01
just a short message tosee if anyone is feeling the same ??????
i have completley lost my appetite this past week sinceive been feeling really really anxious and paniky now im worried because im not eating............
has anyone else had the same problem ????????????:huh: xx

05-11-10, 20:17
When my anxiety began I lost it completely and have now dropped two stone underweight as a result. Now my stomach has shrunk and it's a real struggle to redeem. Just try small things frequently. Another thing is to try meal replacement drinks available in Boots.

05-11-10, 20:21
thanks ill have to try them its just worrying me as i normally have a really healthy appetite............... nd imconstantly feeling sick aswell:weep: xx

06-11-10, 08:43
Whenever I feel anxious, the weight drops off me. I am on day 9 of Citalopram and have had no appetite since starting it, I have lost 6lbs! I know its a short term side effect but I would love my appetite back. I make myself have a banana, or a yoghurt, or a bowl of cereal, try and have something little and often, if you can and drink plenty of water. x

06-11-10, 10:58
i suffer from general anxiety and have periods when i have no appetite, i have lost 18lbs, told doctor about lack of appetite and was told not to worry as longs as im taking plenty fluids the appetite will return.

06-11-10, 12:47
When I first started my panic disorder and over the months following I lost 20 pounds. I was on Ativan (still am, but a small dose, .25 mg at 6 AM and .25 mg at noon). I have now gained back around 14 pounds. It has taken a few months to do this and I still would like to gain about 4 - 5 more pounds. If I have a few bad days, I usually will lose a little weight because with my anxiety it is hard to eat. I at times have no appetite and feel gaggy during those times. The ativan helped a lot.

07-11-10, 20:47
thanks guys its good to know im not the only one xx
i feel drained of energy today but im sure thats from the lack of food :weep:
whats ativan ive never heard of it ?

07-11-10, 21:26
Hi. When my anxiety was at its absolute worst I lost 2 stone in 6 weeks through not eating. Not only did I have no appetite but I felt physically ill at the sight of food. I tended to drink smoothies, and food supplement drinks. But your appetite will return. So try not to worry about it too much. I know that's obviously much easier said then done with anxiety. xx

07-11-10, 22:19
i just try little and often...even carry round some seeds and sultanas etc!

07-11-10, 22:23
hiya im the same idread meal times latley.............i needed to go on a diet but not lose weight this way lol thanks for all the tips and reassurances :D
its just my luck i dont like dried fruit or nuts typical lol

09-11-10, 02:23
yeh i think its a realy problem i under weight as it is, so not good at all i try to force myself to eat things cuz iv noticed mysefl looseing weight and that really scares me and makes me even more anxtious and panicy trying to keep myself eating though =]

13-11-10, 02:12
its like a viscious circle isnt it x

Going home
13-11-10, 02:26
In a state of anxiety, your body puts itself into the 'flight or fight' mode and its this that takes away the appetite, because in a real situation of fighting or running away, the stomach shuts down because its not needed. The only thing needed is adrenaline and that's why we have the pounding heart etc. The last thing we need when fighting or running away is to eat.

Anna xx :)