View Full Version : Introduce myself... there is hope!

02-11-10, 19:41
I'd just like to introduce myself.

I'm male 44 and now working full time as a Senior Highways Technician for a Highway Authority.

In Feb of 2000, after several bouts of feeling ill dizzy etc I had a nervous breakdown which left me in a terrible state (unable to even make a cup of tea) and was probably the worst thing imaginable. After some CBT and medicines, I improved but suffered from severe agoraphobia, and panic attacks all day and everyday for months on end. I actually used to fear going to bed because of the lack of distraction and the knowledge I'd just be lying there ruminating my thoughts which i was expert at!

After being told I'd probably never recover enough to go back to work I knew I wanted to prove them wrong... I set about progressing myself, despite being involved in a car accident and then being diagnosed with M.E.

My partner left me because of all of this, though I realise at the time I must have been very difficult to deal with.

I did go back to work... and am now able to manage my condition very well. No one knows and I don't talk about it to them.

Even though I still take anti depressants most of the time, I am able to function normally and last year went to Egypt on a Nile Cruise on my own!

Also bought a new touring caravan to get away with when i want.

I have this year gone through being made redundant and getting a new career change and job, and all this has given me fantastic confidence.

I realise that mental health issues are still taboo to lots of people, and its rare to hear of someone like me perhaps as they are reluctant to discuss or even acknowledge what's happened to them in the past.

Whilst I would hate anyone to read this and think of me as being patronising...(please don't as it wasn't meant in that way) I just wanted to share the fact that recovery and management is possible for many people and if anyone would like to chat to me or whatever then please do drop me a line.
Niguel :bighug1:

02-11-10, 19:42
Hi Niguel

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

02-11-10, 19:44
:welcome: And thank you for your encouragement of hope