View Full Version : Hi, my name's Toby

16-10-10, 01:29
Hello. My name is Toby and 4 weeks ago I started with anxiety and panic attacks. I was diagnosed with depression and my doctor prescribed me citalopram and xenical to help with weight loss. However, 2 days later I started having very bad palpitations and was very scared so I went to the doctors again and came off the citalopram as I thought it might be those causing the problem. So for 4 weeks I just continued using xenical hoping that losing weight would make me feel better, but I was having trouble sleeping at night still and worrying alot.

This monday I went to the doctors again as I am supposed to see him every 4 weeks to check on my weight loss (lost 8 pounds so far). And he prescribed me sertraline which would hopefully help with anxiety and depression. However for the past few days I have been worse than normal, wednesday - 6.30am on a friday I was awake for 48 hours and so stressed and was having so much pain in my chest with the anxiety and had worked myself up into a panic. At around 1.30am my mum took me to A&E because I wanted to be sure it wasn't a heart attack. I was seen to in a few minutes and a nurse gave me an ECG which showed up fine which I was very happy to hear.

Then I had to wait around 3 hours for the doctor to come and see me but I didnt mind as I felt serene and safe in the hospital. He checked my chest and breathing then I told him what medication I was on. When I told him that I was on xenical he said "I'll be back in a minute" He then told me that xenical can cause anxiety and insomnia which I was very surprised to hear as one of the doctors at the surgery I go to said that xenical didnt interact with your brain because it stayed in your digestive system. So as you can guess, I am not very happy with her.

The doctor at A&E was ever such a nice person. He said anxiety is a vicous circle and that in an ideal world he would just refer me to a therapist but in reality there is a 1 year waiting list to see one, so he wrote down the name of this website and said to google "cbt courses" to get help on coping.

I thankfully slept from 6.30am on friday to 12.30pm which made me so happy. I have also stopped taking xenical and sertraline for now as I want to see how I am with no tablets in my system.

I am glad the doctor told me about this website. Take care.

16-10-10, 01:34
Hi slik321

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

16-10-10, 01:39
Welcome Toby.
Glad to know you are ok by the drs. visit.
Many of us understand the anxiety part of it all.
You will find lots of great people here, chat, games, and helpful articles.

paula lynne
16-10-10, 06:06
Hi Toby and welcome to a great supportive site...:welcome:

16-10-10, 10:05
Hi Toby and welcome, if you are looking for support and understanding you have come to the right place,:welcome:

16-10-10, 10:16
Welcome to NMP. X

Fly away Katie
16-10-10, 13:18
Hello Toby, sounds like a scary ride! Glad your off that med now.
Welcome to NMP x x x

16-10-10, 13:41
Thankyou everyone for welcoming me. This website looks great and the people too.

Vanilla Sky
16-10-10, 13:52
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

Carly Lou
16-10-10, 13:52
Hey Toby i too was on sertraline... and made me a hell of alot worse... i now am NOT on it xxxxx
youll get loads of help here :-) xxxx