View Full Version : Hi Everyone!!

24-09-10, 21:51
Hi Everyone, I'm writing this to hear from other people who are suffering from similar symptoms as myself.

I have had a pretty rough past 18 months, with parents splitting up due to domestic violence and am now responsible for helping to look after my disabled mum and brother. This has been a really stressful time with Police being involved, stress after stress after stress on top of holding down a full time job.

For the past 2-3 months I have been gradually feeling like I'm full of panic and anxiety. Often feeling dread that I'm losing my mind and actually going mad, yet have no symptoms or feelings of depression.

This has been just about bearable, as I've had to keep going for my mum and brother. But for the past 4 days I have had chest discomfort, aching arms, (ECG and Bloods were normal), fear of losing my mind, and sheer panic. I seem to be able to cope with any problems that come my way, no matter how large, then seem to crash out afterwards.

Today I have had a pretty huge, stressful problem to sort out and have managed to organise this and have dealt with this suitably. I then just could not turn off and have been feeling like I'm losing my mind and can't concentrate and worrying that I'm going to lose control.

I've not been to see my GP for anxiety symptoms yet as I am due to go on holiday in 2 days time, but will do so as soon as I get back.

Do these symptoms sound familiar to anyone?
Does anyone have any advice on how to combat the fear of losing your mind?

Thank you for any advice in advance.

Spencer x

24-09-10, 21:54
Hi Spencer

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

24-09-10, 22:20
Thank you very much Diane. Just reading the posts on this forum is really settling!! Knowing I'm not the only one that is going through this is great for my worry. :)

Fly away Katie
24-09-10, 22:45
Hello Spencer, and welcome to NMP x x x

24-09-10, 22:51
Welcome to nmp xx

Kerry B
24-09-10, 22:58
Hi and welcome to the NMP I hope you find it as useful as I have its been my life saver and I have met good friends along the way, all the best

paula lynne
25-09-10, 08:14
Hi Spencer and welcome :welcome:Enjoy your holiday, you deserve one by the sound of it. Good to know you x

25-09-10, 08:31
Hi Spencer and welcome :)

25-09-10, 09:49
Hi Spencer and welcome sounds like you have had so much stress. Enjoy your holiday just try and relax.:shades:

26-09-10, 17:25
Hi Spencer - you've had a stressful time and there's a lot going on. I have those same feelings of overwhelming panic and worry that this time I will actually lose all control and go mad. It very frightening I know as is the heart scare and worry that there's something seriously wrong there. This is a reassuring board though because these symptoms are so common of panic and anxiety that it really helps to read other people's stories and not feel alone. Hope you have a restful holiday :)

26-09-10, 18:53
Hi Anabell. Please read my post on "panicking right now" x