View Full Version : split up with my boyfreind after 6 years

19-09-10, 23:43
i split up with my boyfriend after 6 years everything seems to be fallin apart got a baby of 4 months i have pnd its sooo hard my anxiety has hit the roof i just dont no wat to do my tabs ave been upped to 20mg so i feel awfull 2 an half weeks in my lifes falling apart i feel my panick an anxiety an pnd r takin over my life i cant enjoy my little boy

20-09-10, 00:02
i split up with my boyfriend after 6 years everything seems to be fallin apart got a baby of 4 months i have pnd its sooo hard my anxiety has hit the roof i just dont no wat to do my tabs ave been upped to 20mg so i feel awfull 2 an half weeks in my lifes falling apart i feel my panick an anxiety an pnd r takin over my life i cant enjoy my little boy

I am very sorry that you are having such a hard time with yourself. What caused you to end your relationship? What symptoms are you having? I have been having a hard time myself the last couple of months.

20-09-10, 08:51
Hi Julie. What a horrid time to be left alone. Youre already suffering and all you need is a big hug and some support to get you through a hard patch in your life. Unfortunately the person that should be doing this has left. You do have a little bundle of unconditional love with you though, so take strength from him.

you will feel rough for a while after upping your meds. I recently went up just 2.5mg of seroxat and noticed m anxiety was higher for about 3-4 weeks. Obviously its not consistantly bad, the anxiety slowly subsides the further in you get. Its now been about 6 weeks and its all gone. I still get anxiety, but its so low now that I can cope with it. So what im saying is that you just need to take each day as it comes and you will start to feel better soon. Youre over the worst 2 1/2 weeks, youll start to feel better very soon!

I cant imagine how hard it is to look after a baby, when you probably dont even want to look after yourself right now. The only advice I can give you is to try to focus on doing at least 1 good thing a day. Get a camera and spend 5 minutes taking photos of your son looking cute ( I bet he is a cutie! ). Spend a few minutes playing with him. Take him for a walk etc. Im sure you can think of lots of lovely things to do with him!
At first those positive things will be scary and you may not enjoy them as much as you /think/ you should, but eventually youll start to enjoy them more and maybe do more than 1 nice thing a day!
I would also recommend a diary so that you can write down each positive thing you do. So that you can look back and see how far youve come. It wont take long before you notice a change.

You can beat this. *hugs*

20-09-10, 11:41
vixxy that was so lovely im crying my eyes out i have my mum here helpin but its not the same is it want him back so much but hes not interested since ive been gettin my panick attacks really bad he never understood and pushed me to a side now hes gone he still sees the baby but i feel so alone i love my boy so much bit im very distant at the moment i cry wen i hold him i took pictures yesterday an put them on face book and ive been the shop today no he has gone to playgroup with my sister i gets lots of help but i want to do it i want to look aFTER HIM MY ANIEXTY HAS BEEN REALLY FOR ABOUT A MONTH NOW IT CALMED DOWN THEN SHE UPPED MY TABS im so scared all the time xx

20-09-10, 15:20
You will get through this. I promise.
Dont worry about being distant with your baby. My mum had bad pnd and didnt want a second child because of it. Its not affected me at all. I couldnt wish for a better mum!
Just do what you can to get through this. Ask your family to support you. Im sure theyll all be doing as much as they can for you right now. :)
Crying is fine. Just let it out, dont worry about it.
Is your partner gone for good or do you think he would be open to trying again?

21-09-10, 09:18
Don't be hard on yourself, you are doing amazingly well. I am not coping very well and I don't have a baby to look after! Its not surprising you feel distant at the mo, that will pass, honestly. My sister had pnd with her first, wasn't going to have any more, but she did, it passed. xxx

21-09-10, 09:27
Hey, life is sooo tough at times, as you're discovering! But they do say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger ( or words to that effect ) And I can say through my own horrific life-experiences that this is probably true. You'll be ok, you've just gotta stay strong and focused on the good things in your life :)

21-09-10, 23:02
vixxy we r split up for good hun really bad anxiety at the mo in bed havin panick attack so scary xx

22-09-10, 09:47
Im sorry to hear that its completely over. :(