View Full Version : Scary day

03-03-06, 09:54
Feel really scared at the moment. I just keep reminding myself that I am safe. My wife and I are completing the purchase of a small property today. We’ve been renting up till now. Keep getting this worry stuff about making a mess of the whole affair and the flat will be repossessed.

Keep trying to distract myself. But then feel bad about not really engaging with the move.

Saw my GP during the week and he is referring me to the psychiatric services. We spoke about the med treatment that I’ve been on for the past 8 months. (Venlafaxine 150mg and Olanzapine) This has proved ineffective. I suggested that maybe I could just wind off the medications as he is leaving it up to psych services as to the next step.

He said it was ok to stop the Olanzapine but to taper off the the venlafaxine. He suggested just taking one every second day for the first week then next week every 3rd day and so on. |I had my first day without the venlafaxine two days ago. Today will be my second.

I would appreciate any support or advice. Thanks

03-03-06, 22:47
Hi hun

Look at the start of this as a new beginning. A new property and things will go really well. Its your new home and security for you both.

Wish you the best of luck.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

04-03-06, 14:40
Hi dela

Any change to our lives (big or small) can be daunting. I think many of us here can empathise with how you're feeling. Once you get adjusted to the change things will ease themselves out.

And there is nothing wrong with distraction - I know quite a few of us use it as recognised method of dealing with negative thoughts.

I hope you enjoy your new property. Good Luck. :)

Dusty xx

04-03-06, 20:17
Personally I think that is too fast to come off established venlaflaxine. I'd go for 2 weeks between decreasing further.

Check our reading pages for self help books on how you talk to yourself and the influence it has on you.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

06-03-06, 10:07
Thank for your messages
Feel overwhelmed at the moment. Getting ready to move house. Snags and more snags. Panicing about the money end of things.

I have decided not to withdraw from the meds yet. Too much going on and had a couple of unpleasant days when not on them. So I will wait and see what the psych meeting offers up.

Any advice on how to cope with the anxiety/depression about the house move would be great

06-03-06, 12:00
House moves are very stressful for anyone and even more so for us sufferers.

Make sure that as much of it as possible is done by others - i.e. removal company, friends, family.

Make a list of essentials that you will need on the day of the move and don't forget to keep handy all those things you need like medications etc.

Hope all goes well.


06-03-06, 18:18
Hi Dela

Moving is extremely stressful, particularly for those of us with anxiety/depression. I myself moved at the end of last year when I was feeling at my lowest ebb. It wasn't easy but with some help and support I got through it.

I would suggest preparation and making list etc is helpful. Focusing on the practical aspects helps to distract from the anxiety provoking thoughts.

Also, as Nic suggested, enlist as much help and support as you can.

Good luck with it.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey