View Full Version : What meds?

09-09-10, 15:04
My anxiety is crippling me. I'm always thinking about it or obsessing over it. I know I have it, I've accepted it, I try and fly with it but there's just no use I need a little medical help.

My symptoms aren't so much physical as mental. I feel pure fear over everything I look at, think, see, touch, taste...it's like I'm scared of everything subconciously but I know conciously I'm not scared AT ALL. This fight is what's scaring and crippling me. I have intrusive thoughts, my bowels want to release ALL the time (3 times a day) which isn't like me. I'm falling apart. Scared I will end up in a mental asylum if I don't sort this soon.

I've read a few people have been on meds and it's helped them to conquer it for years. I'm so close but it keeps coming back so I need a little nudge to get rid of this HELL!

Help appreciated guys and girls as I'm reaching the end of my rope! :weep::weep::weep::weep:

Hazel B
09-09-10, 15:09
Please tell your doctor all this and they will decide what meds you need, if any. They will ask if you are OK with what they advise (mine did anyway) and help you.
Please don't struggle on your own, there is no shame in asking for help. Everyone is different, so please tell your doctor how you feel and what your physical symptoms are, make the appointment please.

09-09-10, 15:12
David, have you spoken to your GP about medication? It really can help...I so recognise your description of being fearful over everything yet not being scared at all. Isn't it worth seeing what your GP says and maybe giving meds a go? I take 20 mgs citalopram, but there are various others available...your doctor can advise you

09-09-10, 15:20
I will definitely be going on meds. Agnes did you find yours are helping you now? I'm on Propranolol but that was from many years ago when I suffered from nasty panic attacks. Thankfully I don't get them now just the obsessive thoughts that I'm going insane and everything is terrifying.

I feel like I'm scared of my own brain because I think it acts before I get chance to say "hold on I'm not scared of that why are you tensing my body up".


09-09-10, 15:39
Yes, David, I do. For me, they don't resolve everything, but they give me some respite and allow me to see things less fearfully. It really helps me to be able to look at myself and my thoughts.

I used to keep a journal years ago and I realised then that what frightened me most was the way my thoughts could be so fearful. I think that may be similar to what you're saying?

09-09-10, 17:56
Yeah I think that has a lot to do with it. I just find it's like my brain's already come up with a decision to be scared of something before I get chance to say "hey I'm not scared of that" which worries me. Sound mad?

Hazel B
09-09-10, 18:02
Not mad, anxiety. I was waking up 4 times a night after a normal calm dream, then my pulse would start to pound, heart leap in my chest & feel odd. I was safe and warm in bed and could not understand what had caused it. It's adrenalin, I now have Propranolol and it's helping. I was adamant I would not take meds but was desperate.
I did try meditation, breathing etc, but 2 weeks ago finally admitted I was not able to cope alone and I felt so relieved.

09-09-10, 18:09
Does that sound like then Hazel, the "Brain's already come with a decision to send out adrenaline before I get chance to evaluate the thought"?

09-09-10, 20:20
Speak to your doctor, tell them everything that you have put in here. Medication works, it will help you to calm down and get back in control. Then, when you ae ready, you can start looking at other things to help you cope and overcome this. When you feel as bad as you describe it is almost impossible to get your head around doing anything about this.
Good Luck

Hazel B
09-09-10, 20:40
Yes, you are right, my brain was overloaded and the adrenalin started shooting before I could even open my tired eyes! For me personally, I need the meds as an intervention before I can help myself.

09-09-10, 21:18
I think I definitely need meds. I'm literally pulling my hair out over this wanting to feel "normal" or at least stop this stupid fear!

10-09-10, 09:34
Hi David

The thing to remember about medication (which I've had a number of times) is that they deal with the symptoms and not the cause. If you're going to use them, then you need to try and deal with the causes through talk therapies as well. Meds can be useful to get yourself stable and in a state where you can deal with things, but there are quite a lot of us on here who have found that they're not necessarily the whole solution.

The problems with any sort of anti-depressants are:

* they take a while to work
* you can end up trying several before you find the one that works
* you can get side effects, some of which you might not like
* it takes a good while to get off them again
* your anxiety symptoms can come back afterwards

My best suggestion is that you go and see your GP about it, but do please ask about counselling or CBT as well, or you're only dealing with half the problem.

10-09-10, 10:59
Prior to going on citalopram (which worked brilliantly for me) I tried proranalol and diazepam for occasional use. The proranalol didn't really help me - I found that without the physical symptoms I was just left with my anxious thoughts which it did nothing to help so I eventually agreed to try citalopram.

It helped but I had some therapy as well. Initially they gave me the balance (I was agoraphobic when I started them) and I took them for 3.5 years without any issue. I stopped a few years ago but, as they are not a 'solution' I've found myself spiralling downwards again. I've been re-prescribed them but am reluctant to start again and I am considering more therapy (possibly hypnotherapy as CBT hasn't helped me thus far).

Meds can be extremely helpful to anxiety and can give you some stability before looking into counselling and so forth.

Hazel B
10-09-10, 12:26
You can see we all have different stories, you need to agree an approach with your doctor.
I started my first counselling session last night and hope it will help in the long run, I have a lot of stuff that needs to come out.

10-09-10, 13:32
I've been having CBT for quite some time and because it really isn't working I need to find some other way.

Tell me what happens if I can't find a way of coping? That's the question as I WILL NOT live like this much longer, it's killing me!

10-09-10, 13:46
Tell me what happens if I can't find a way of coping? That's the question as I WILL NOT live like this much longer, it's killing me!
Not finding a way of coping isn't an option. I've had to find ways over the past two years (I used rescue remedy, breathing techniques and lots of chamomile tea and a magnesium supplement over various stressful periods) and you do cope. When you get to the point you are now and struggling what feels like too much for you then meds can be helpful in order to stabilise you while you look into ways of tackling the problems.

I don't like CBT but it's not the only kind of talking therapy available. Even things like acupuncture are supposed to help with anxiety! I am looking into the hypnotherapy route and it seems to have some success from what I've managed to find so far. What works for one person may not for another but there will be something which will help you.

Hazel B
10-09-10, 13:47
I am sure you WILL find a way, sometimes it just takes time. The medics know what to do with a broken bone, but these other things need more time. Please don't give up.

10-09-10, 13:59
Ah I'm not one for suicide, it's popped into my mind but then I think what a stupid idea.

Saying that other times I think really is life all that worth living for anyway? I definitely need anti-depressants/anti-anxiety meds as this doesn't sound like me!

Hazel B
10-09-10, 14:09
Please make an appointment with your doctor and discuss all this, write down a list if it helps. They are there to help you, it is all in confidence. Please don't struggle on your own, we care but we are not medics.
Please make an appointment, it's not weak, it's brave.

10-09-10, 14:38
The thing is I'm far from weak. I'm strong, a very strong character and I won't let something like this beat me and I've accepted it. BUT it keeps getting stronger as I Do!

Hazel B
10-09-10, 15:04
That's the power of your mind I know mine does the same. I know you are strong, you can get over this, please take that step and see your GP.
Take care.

10-09-10, 16:21
Oh I will definitely be seeing my GP. I'm not afraid of anything but my anxiety!

Hazel B
10-09-10, 17:17
Let me know how you get on.

16-09-10, 11:47
Right I've been to my new GP and what a lovely lady she is. Really sympathetic and she says I definitely have neurosis. Interesting to hear but it's basically a category of mental illnesses (anxiety, OCD, depression etc) and I definiteley come under that category.

She gave me a questionaire to fill in regarding all my anxiety and stress etc and prescribed me on 20mg Sertraline to be taken once a day.

ONLY thing is I've JUST started a new job and I'm a little worried as to what the side effects will be. My doc said just drowsiness or over-active (no sleep) so I guess we'll have to see.

Feels like I "might" be getting somewhere. Be nice to have an anxiety-free Christmas! lol

16-09-10, 12:03
Well done, David, I feel really happy for you, and I'm glad you GP was so understanding. Mine is too and it helps so much.

Hazel B
16-09-10, 12:26
Well done from me too, I am so pleased you saw a GP. Try not to worry about the meds, take them and see, don't forget they may help and then that would be great for you.
Let us know how you get on and well done again.