View Full Version : Breathing

26-08-10, 10:14
Hello, does anyone else seem to concentrate to much on their breathing, it always seems to be on my mind and seem to be constantly checking if Im breathing properly, tried relaxation breathing techniques but this just seems to make it worse, any exertion makes me panic as I feel I can't get it back to normal. Thanks for any replies :)

26-08-10, 10:16
omg yes me it sounds exactly like me over the past couple of days only thing is i concentrate so much i now have a constant pain in my chest and i recon this is from constantly annoying my muscles if you no what i mean x

26-08-10, 10:19
Yes I do know what you mean, my chest and stomach muscles feel soo tight this is probably with thinking too much about it same as pain in chest.

26-08-10, 10:21
yeah defo makes sense its a nightmare i just have to have reassuarance all the time that its defo anxiety then i seem to be able to cope with the symptom then t goes away and a new one begins

26-08-10, 13:28
Yes I have this... Usually when i'm in the car driving to work then for the first few hours whilst I'm there. Sometimes I forget and it goes away but as soon as I think OMG i haven't been concentrating on my breathing I start to and it comes back - nightmare!

26-08-10, 13:34
I just posted about this earlier today.
Anyone have any suggestions for coping with this?

26-08-10, 14:52
i get this very bad my dr said i obsess over it my problem is i feel like i breath to little then it sets me off sometimes i feel like i cant talk cos i have no air and im to weak but ive been told its in my mind ive been doin it long time now does any 1 else go like that where they feel they breath to little then cant talk

26-08-10, 14:55
yeah i no what you mean and im sure atht i will faint from it aswell i work three hours a night and yesterday i was like it for three hours and believeed that i was never going to be the person where i dont need to concentrate on my bretahing allthough i do rememebr years ago when ui first started with anxiety that was my obession and think the only thing we can do is trying to distract ourselves till eventually we dont do it x

26-08-10, 14:56
Sometimes it feels as though if you stop focusing on your breathing your breathing will stop but the more you try to regulate it the weirder it feels until you're sat from anything like 10 minsto hours just carrying on making yourself breathe??

27-08-10, 03:09
im like this aaaaaaallllllllll the time, scared of exerting myself too

27-08-10, 11:01
Sometimes it feels as though if you stop focusing on your breathing your breathing will stop but the more you try to regulate it the weirder it feels until you're sat from anything like 10 minsto hours just carrying on making yourself breathe??

I have the same problem as you. It bothers me so much when my classmates seem to mock my breathing. With time I found a way (but not very efficient) by forcefully diverting my mind to other task. Not at all easy for me to control it.

27-08-10, 11:13
Hi Razi, I think it is definately hard to control and if we think about it too much it just sets the panic off - just hope it passes soon. Take care :)