View Full Version : when does everyone take there tablet?am?adviice please

09-08-10, 17:45
hiya, well im on day 3 of cit, ive felt rotten but think thats more down to having a virus!! i was blaming the cit but my sis had exactly the same symptoms and shes had a virus, so fingers crossed im not doing to bad on them!!im jst wandering what time of day everyone takes theres and if its in the morning does the initial groggyness etc go away when your body adjusts? im taking mine about 9am at mo but feel bit spaced out for a while!! coz ill be going back to work soon and will need to drive early and be in work early.. i dont really want to take it a night as ive been told they interfere with your sleep and i like a wine or 2 in the eves!!:winks: if it does wear off ill stick to the mornings xx

09-08-10, 17:52
Prob best to take during the day! ring the pharmacist it should tell you on the box!

jaded jean
09-08-10, 18:16
Hi Bexy1970.
I take mine around 7am thru choice- everyone is different tho you take when it suits your body best , I have no probs now but then I am coming up for 5th month so there you are plus I take Amitryptiline at night and I drive in the day . As for the drinking be care ful I would say 1 or 2 at the very most but be careful . Ithink it does state on the information slip that alcohol should be avoided but again its your choice.
best wishes Jean

09-08-10, 18:25
thanks jean, im thinking of taking them earlier, ill have to when im back in work neway, does is stop making you feel tired, etc after a while?thats what im worrying about, being dopey while driving or at work x

09-08-10, 19:51
ne one else got ne advice? xx

09-08-10, 21:50
:shrug: lol xx

09-08-10, 21:52
I take mine in the evening .I still feel groggy when I wake up for about 2hours ,but I do feel more awake in the afternoons .Unlike when I took them in the morning .Teatime is a good time if you can remember ..I kept forgetting :doh:.Trial and error to find the time of day that suits you .You do get used to it even tho its a pain at the beggining .Theres always a price to pay unfortunately :mad:..Sue

09-08-10, 21:52
I take mine at 8am every morning.

Never tried a different time so can't really comment :)

09-08-10, 21:54
thanks sue, i really dont know wetha to change to the eve or carry on in morning!!with work coming up etc!! does it keep u up when u take it or do u sleep ok?? x

09-08-10, 21:55
ta steve!! do u get on with the day then or do u have to go back to bed? x

09-08-10, 22:09
It didnt make any difference to me .I usually go off fine .Only had sleep probs when I cut down or increased .We all react differently so its best to try it for yourself and see how you get on .I hope you manage to get it sorted .Sue x

09-08-10, 22:12
ta sue, reakon i might try doing it one eve and see how i go xx

10-08-10, 09:10
ta steve!! do u get on with the day then or do u have to go back to bed? x

I just get on with the day then Bexy. The side effects were difficult to begin with, but they do wear off.

As Sue has said, everyone reacts differently and you have to test it yourself.


10-08-10, 10:53
thaks everyone, ive rang the chemist and he said to try in the eve as there making me drowsy neway, and ok to have a couple of vinos!! just might make me more drowsy etc, goin to have a go tomoz nte as ive taken this mornings:) x

10-08-10, 12:31
I take mine at 9am once I have gotten to work and had my breakfast. That works fine for me and I am fine driving even after taking the tablets. I am on week five now though so it does get easier when you adjust. Also much easier when taken with or after food

10-08-10, 16:55
ta for that, ive felt better today(day 4) so may carry on with the mornings, as ive got a few weeks left till i go back to work, i go back when the kids do,, i just hope the tummy trouble goes too!!!:blush: xx

10-08-10, 20:57
I take mine at 7am give or take. Its a good excuse to force myself to eat something as I do'nt feel hungry at all in the morning.

I feel a bit sick and very groggy when I wake up. I feel so tired, I have to resist the temptation to sleep in.

10-08-10, 23:29
thats how i am!! i cant eat that early in the morn, then when i take my tab i just want to go back to sleep!!! hope this passes with time and i feel nauseus etc xx

11-08-10, 09:51
I take mine at about 10pm, I fall asleep where ever I am after about an hour lol
I was taking them with my tea at 5 but then Id be asleep on the sofa by 7!

11-08-10, 10:31
I take mine in the morning once I'm fed so got something in my stomach. I personally find cause it increased my anxiety(ive not long started) I'd rather feel anxious during the day than being reallly restless at night.

I do think it's down to your own body. Is it more anxiety/panic or depression may depend a lot on when taking them. Good on you for checking with your Chemist.

11-08-10, 16:19
thankyou, think i might start taking them bit later in the morn and make myself eat something, im just worried bout driving etc, or does the drowsiness wear off eventually, ive got two freinds on them and theyre fine in the mornings after taking them!!! think i read to many side effect sheets!!they never looked at theres!!! does the tummy troubles get ne easier too?:blush:

11-08-10, 16:39
Drowsiness wears off, tummy issues will ease if you eat first. You will start to adjust with time

11-08-10, 17:18
thanks again x

11-08-10, 17:33

I take my cit in the mornings after breakfast mainly due to the fact that they make me restless and the rest of my day is filled with other medication. I take my Dusolupen in the evning just as I get into bed.