View Full Version : Detached and memory impaired

06-08-10, 13:45
Does anybody find suffering what I think is depersonalization a lack of concentration? Memory issues? I feel on another planet at the moment and want to avoid going down the route of more tablets. I've been reading up CBT books.

I'm worried incase it's some serious illness as I feel at times worse rather than better. I feel safe at home and so on...I was in town today and felt so unreal, detached from my surrounding.

I'm struggling to get enough sleep. I enjoy late nights 7 days a week and struggle to cut out caffeine. I read the symptom can't leave until the fear does and have read some useful posts but not quite sure what will put my mind at rest as I'm in an anxiety bubble.

I'm very aware of my brain, scared of what it will do next, worry the fact I don't know what's ahead next second even, just so sensitised either fearing I'm dying or going mad. Felt this depersonalized state on and off quite bad since May. I have seen references that DP can decrease work performance and so on? I've had the symptom before but found it very hard to accept.

Seems to be no magic answers beginning to think some magic tablet from the doctor may cure it for a period but like right now I don't have too much stress but I know it's there..is it that I had very bad stress it's taking me months to recover as the anxiety is still strong? How can I be sure it is anxiety? I feel no reassurance can help and just want get back to feeling life and not being so like inner about myself to the degree I am now.

06-08-10, 13:51
I have found distraction helps me. i clean the carpet or tidy something away for a while, i paint pictures or draw things. that does help. this is a symptom of anxiety and it will go away.

19-09-10, 18:35
Not worth a new topic but today at work I could just not remember the number for the door to get out...all day I tried to think before asking somebody. I've worked there some months how can I just forget? I ended up trying a few times and failed..that's when I asked.

Can anxiety and bad memory do this to you or am I mad? :huh: