View Full Version : Anxiety/panic attacks - help

20-02-06, 22:36
This is my first post here so hope I don't go on to much and bore everybody.

I have suffered from anxiety and panic attacks in varying degrees over the past 12 years - sometimes it has been awful such as at the very beginning when I couldn't work, stay at home alone - anything, other times like the last few years it has been manageable - I have been able to work, care for my family etc.

My main problem stems from being alone, while I am witrh people I am usually fine, when I am alone I panic that i will feel anxious/faint/go mad etc and be unable to cope. I think this stems from the fact that as a child I was quite protected- never did much on my own was always collected/dropped off- necver really had a chance to be an adventurous teen (don't get me wrong I had a happy life but a very close family and very sheltered) I got married straight from home and then had hubby to protect me - until I was 38 I had never stayed the night in the house alone !!
Anyway up until November I was managing ok, holding down a good job where I had recently been promoted, running a home and caring for my two teenagers, still restricted a bit by my comfort zone but few people even realised I had a problem.

In December everything changed - my company moved to a new building . problem 1 - I am on the 2nd floor - not a big deal but I worry I will faint/panic on the stairs so consequently I have to be dropped of to meet a collegue in the morning who walks in with me and during the day I have to be escorted up and down floors. Luckily I have a couple of friends who have been very good but thier patience is wearing thin. I had to tell my employers the problem and althought they are good to a point they have told me that I cannot hold down my job if I can't do it properly - and this means being able to go to different departments whn required.

problem 2 - although the new building is actually closer to where I live and only a bus drive away, I cannot go on the bus so my poor husband takes me to work where I meet my collegue, then pays for parking to park the car near where I work and walks to the station to get the train and start hjis journey, at the end of the day he has to make sure he is outside my building at 5 so he can take me home. This basically means that he leaves more than an hour earlier than he should each day after getting in late. He has a very good job which basically is in jeopardy.
Even if I could walk to the station and wait for him in the cafe there it would help but for the past few weeks I feel unable to do this.

If I don't start to get rid of this problem I am in real trouble, as well as having a pretty miserable life with it at the moment if we both lost our jobs- not inconcievable at the moment we would be in dire-straits with a mortgage and up-coming uni fees to pay for. I know I am also putting my husband under a lot of strain as I do nothing without him - not even stay in the house at the moment, and I know it gets my kids down too.

I know I have to start making steps but at the moment I don't seem to have the strength to start or the luxury of time to do teeny steps, I have to make changes quickly.

Has anybody any ideas of how I can start to turn things around. I really feel as if I am making such a mess of mine and all my families lives.

20-02-06, 23:14
Hi Tracy and welcome to the site.

You would not bore anyone on here and we all appreciate how you feel and so many of us understand.

It is horrible how you feel and many of us have been there, sounds like a cliche but it does get better and this site will help you loads.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

20-02-06, 23:35
Oh my gosh can I relate to you. I feel so pathetic. I am a grown woman, yet I feel like I need my husband to "take care" of me. I go to university right now... and I insist that my husband drive me there and pick me up. Its an hour ride, and we have two little kids. So, we go for a family trip once a week to take me to shcool. then 3 hours later they all pick me up. I feel like such a selfish witch for doing this to my family. My inlaws make comments about it all the time like "you arent really going make him drive you are you?" Its terrible. I feel helpless. The good news is I am getting better, and you will too. I still cannot do the school drive, but I am comming around. I think the most important thing is to try to avoid feelings like I just shared. Dont feel guilty, he loves you and wants to help you. You are the mother of his children, you deserve it! I know its easier said than done...

__________________________________________________ __________________________________
"I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance, never settle for the path of least resistance... When you get the chance to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance"

"This too shall pass..."

21-02-06, 03:30
Hi Tracy,

Welcome to the site, I hope it helps you.

Sounds like you have a great hubby there.

Have you tried CBT, it could really help you?

Take care,


21-02-06, 09:28
Hi Tracy,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

The best way to deal with the anxiety is to stay positive and to change your way of thinking.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

21-02-06, 10:24
A big welcome to the site :D

Sooo understand where you are coming from and like we always say problems have to sorted by using the small steps approach.

The first thing to work on for now is the hubby meeting you from work thing (forget all the other problems for the minute).

Could you sit somewhere and talk to each other on your mobiles while he is travelling to meet you then perhaps he could set off just a little later from his job.

Keep posting and asking and we will keep listening and helping.

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

22-02-06, 19:15
Have you seen any professionals regarding this? It is not uncommon to have more than one anxiety disorder, too, and you may be experiencing two different anxiety disorders. Phobias are under teh class of anxiety disorders, and you may have a fear of being alone. You may just be feeling anxiety of having an attack with no one there to be with you. It is not uncommon for people with AD/PD to feel anxiety of getting an attack....it is like sometimes you worry if you are going to get one....and some people like to be alone when they have them, while others like to be with others, or someone else...we experience our panic or anxiety in different ways.
Myself I have PD, and sometimes I feel anxiety when I think about when an attack might come on..because usually my attacks don't have triggers. Myself I find breathing deep helps, being busy helps and sometimes getting fresh air, walking helps. There are different things you can do to help ease the anxiety, ohter than just medication.
You are SO not alone in how you feel and in your experiences.
Welcome to the board, and I hope I have been somewhat helpful....sometimes knowing you are not alone is really helpful, and you are not.
And don't worry about "boring" us....we all need to talk about things sometimes, and this is a place to do it. Talk away!!!!:D

22-02-06, 21:46
Hi Tracy

I too used to suffer with panic attacks. Thankfully it now does'nt happen very often You will get through it you have come to the right place for support & advice.

Take Care


24-02-06, 15:25

One small step at a time. You will be uncomfortable but you can get through this step by step.

Get a few sessions of CBT for quick effective help if you can as that will help you focus on your specific issues directly.

Your internal thoughts are behind these fears just like most fears that lead to panic. You are into a fear of the fear cycle and that is growing as you become scared of each issue.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

24-02-06, 22:22
ME again...
I just wanted to mention too, that panic/anxiety attacks don't have to be part of your life forever...I have heard about people who had them, and then they just went. I thought that was happening with me, because for three years I did not have any major panic attacks, and I was only taking medication when I needed it...not daily, Then last December they came back..in a bad way. I realised that I needed to seek help again after having a panic attack for 3 days, with maybe two hours of sleep each night...and I go to college full time! And there is no apparent cause for them coming back. AFter debating for 3 weeks after I got a prescription for what I was on 3 years ago, I have begun to take my medication, which I don't like to do. BUT...............because I did go for a long period of time without major attacks, I KNOW that my attacks may stop again.
I think that all of us affected by anxiety and/or panic need to also remember to take it one step at a time, and to try our best to live life to it's fullest. I also think that having a place like this message board is very therapeutic in a way..it allows us to see we are not alone and to share our stories...and that can be comforting.:D