View Full Version : constant swaying, and stiffness

19-02-06, 05:59

i dont know if any of you remember me, but i was on here a lot in the beginning. Now as i have toughed it out through the worst of it, panic attacks. im left with a few physical symptoms, that i dont know if i can write down as anxiety related or not. which brings me here.

so lately aside from the occasional nervous feeling, i get these weird hard to describe swaying feeling in my head, as tho its going back and forth, back and forth. sometimes i may look at something and it will seem like the floor is moving, for a second, or the object is moving, or spinning around.. it is very weird. i dont get dizzy. but for a split second i feel like everything is moving. also im able to crack my neck like every time i turn it in a specific way, and it just seems that it is always stiff.. however the neck doesnt really bother me as much as the uneasy, swaying/spinning feeling. does anybody else get this? or does anyone have any ideas what this might be? or should i go to the doctor?
ive been to a doctor a couple of times and have taken like 5 blood tests, and all came back perfect. so i dont even know anymore.

thanks for any support and advice,

19-02-06, 09:50
stan claire weekes talks about this in her books. have you ever read this book im sure you have but i just thought id ask because it definitely mentions this

19-02-06, 10:27
Hi Stan

This is a really common anxiety symptom, but can also be caused by very common inner ear complaints.

I have struggled with it for a couple of years but after one very bad bout went to GP and referred to ENT. He diagnosed vertigo and I had an epley manouevre which really helped. But it still happens and I try and live with it!

Actually, it's a common problem for the non-anxious too - so we're normal!!! lol

Good luck xxx


19-02-06, 14:35
Hi Stan

This is the one problem I am left with now after years of anxiety symptoms. I have this on a daily basis and have been to doctor several times and had lots of different tests. I guess it is the one symptom I cant seem to get rid of. It is horrible but like everything else I try not to give it too much power.

Here's hoping that one day it will vanish but until then I guess I will just have to live with it.

Take care


........life is for living not just for surviving

19-02-06, 16:58
I get this all the time.

even when my anxiety seems to have calmed down the swaying stays.

Annie x

19-02-06, 18:46
thank you to everyone for replying.
i have read claire weekes books, but this was a few months ago when i was getting panic attacks. and i remember the techniques and stuff like that, but not details. Plus i realized that battling with anxiety requires you to kind of create your own techniques and ways of dealing with it, based on the books. I have noticed that this swaying gets really bad toward the end of the day, also it gets really bad if im frustrated about it and concentrating on it. sometimes when im very distracted, which is kind of hard because im always thinking about it, but sometimes i dont notice it at all..i guess the key here is to not let it bug you until you can completely forget about it...

thanks a lot to everyone who responded, it really did calm me down, as this is really really frustrating symptom.