View Full Version : away from home just now and having pa's right now after feeling better for ages

13-07-10, 20:31
Hi All

I'm away from home in the in laws house in irelnad just now, I have been feeling much better recently. have been on citalopram 20mg since dec and take propananol as and when required. Have also seen a stress counselor. Any way things have been getting much better and although i have the odd small pa and bit of anxiety - life is good.
But right now in the past half hour I got that sudden rush of adrenalin/doom rising up my torso - it is such a weird feeling - i then go lightheaded and dizzy and feel a darkness like no other come over me - then the fear kicks in and I am now really scared that I am back to square one. My partner is out and my mum in law is in the other room on the phone for ages - so feeling very alone - any help or advice much appreciated. I'm trying to do my deep breathing techniques but just feel as if my throat is closing.


Kerry B
13-07-10, 20:43
Hi AJ, You have done so well and have been my Insperation. Nothing is going to happen you need to try and calm down I always find blowing in a paper bag helps and sips of water, its will pass, think positive and don't let this little blip set you back, I am online if you want to pm me. Hugs x

13-07-10, 20:45
Try not to panic, it realy sounds like an anxiety attack making you feel so rotten, take deep breaths, in through your nose and then out through your mouth. This is just anxiety and panic and cant hurt you. I know it has been a while since you have felt like this but sometimes anxiety can just hit you when your not feeling overly stressed. Can you go for a walk when your partner gets back? this will help get rid of excess adrenalin and help to distract you xx

13-07-10, 20:53
thanks Mary and Kerry

my tummy is now all over the place keep running to the loo.

Thanks so much for replying to me so quickly - really needed someone to talk to.

Kerry I feel terrible - theres me telling you how good i was doing then bang - panic comes back.. i think it's cos i was on my own there - don't like that much.

Having these horrible burning rushes into my chest and my heart keeps pounding. it's coming and going - comes on real strong then subsides. I am trying to remember that nothing bad can happen to me. but I keep worrying about the what if's - like what if i am liek this all night and can't sleep, what if i just want to come home - and it's a ten hour journey including a boat journey of 2 and a half hours. (by the way i was away in england there for 2 days with my partner and wee girl and came over on a 3hr boast journey no bother. why does it start now????

Kerry B
13-07-10, 20:58
You have done really well with the Travelling, its just a little Blip and you will fine, its probably strange surroundings and you may feel better once you partner gets back. Have a nice relaxing bath before bed and use your sleep spray and hopefully you will have a goodnite sleep. Panics only get to a certain level and then you will start and come down. x

13-07-10, 21:00
your what ifs is the anxiety talking, once the panic has passed you wont have to worry about those things. Is your partner back soon? perhaps they could help you distract yourself from the symptoms. Im sure you have felt this bad before and nothing really bad has happened. Hope you feel better soon xx

13-07-10, 22:05
Thanks Girls

Partner came home and I've calmed down a bit - got really upset and scared that it's all back to square one.

but the anxiety and panic is still coming and going rising up then fading so on.

Can't beleive this is happening - what a nightmare!

Thanks to both of you for replying so fast - i felt so alone and scared, kerry you must have had such a horrible time recently - it's so easy to forget how scary it is when its with you - even though we get scared of it - it seems worse when you are in the middle of it.

Do any of you get that hot burning sensation all over you chest face and arms? it feels like someone is putting a burning hot poker on your skin?

hope i can get a sleep tonight - just want to wake up tomorrow morning after having had a good sleep and start a new day afresh!

AJ :)