View Full Version : Advice needed please!!!!

13-07-10, 19:35
Hi All,

I'm new to the website but have decided I want to put this post up in the hope that someone can offer some advice.

In the past I have had days when I feel dizzy/spaced out all day, the symptoms would come and go and only happen every few weeks.

6 weeks ago I went to the doctor to get help to stop smoking and started taking Champix. 3 weeks in and I woke up feeling dizzy/spaced out again. After a week of this I started to think I had a brain tumour!! Then two weeks ago at work I felt really strange and ended up collapsing. I was taken to A&E. I has an ECG, Blood Tests and Urine tests and all were clear. The doctor said that it was probably an anxiety attack. I went to see my GP and she told me that it could be the Champix raising my anxiety levels and I was advised to stop taking them. I was also refered for CBT. I have been to the first session and the therapist concurred with my doctor.
Two and a half weeks after stoping taking Champix I am still feeling dizzy/spaced out all the time, have blurred vision and feel very tired all the time. I am fed up of feeling ill and it is effecting my work as I am struggling to concentrate. Does this sound normal for anxiety or should I be worried??

Thanks in advance...

Kerry B
13-07-10, 19:58
Hiya Sounds like Anxiety as I suffer with the dizzy/space out have done now for 4 weeks been seen by 4 doctors who have all said its Anxiety related. I am just hoping the new tablets they put me on 12 days ago Seroxate will work, I have no life either and struggle to go to work. But your not alone there is a lot of help on this site.

13-07-10, 20:02
it defo sounds like anxiouty! im to scared to take any meds for it though! my panic attacks have been back for 3weeks :(

13-07-10, 21:22

Thanks for the advice guys. After reading some of the posts on the website I'm starting to feel a bit better. At least I'm not alone!!! Take care