View Full Version : Do you ever wonder....

17-02-06, 16:05
....if you suddenly just dissappeared,who would notice...
I do all the time my partner would when he had no clean clothes to wear or couldn't get in the bath as the washing was over flowing out of the basket.
How many would be at your graveside?
What is the point to life all I seem to do is bring heartache and misery, why is it me who ends up being the one who is hurt.
I believe that there is no such place as hell this is it.
You only get to go to heaven when you have sucseeded here,that is where re-incarnation comes in if you don't get it right you have to come back and do it over:(

17-02-06, 16:52
dawn you are just having a bad day. regardless of our beliefs about what comes after, i think it is crucial we see the good in life and the purpose of living.

i have told my hubby i either say there is no reason why i have went through what i do and pity myself. or i say there is a real reason for this, so i can one day help others, be a better mum a better wife and more compassionate person who accepts all walks of live. most of all one day i will be better to myself

dont give up. no matter how many lives you believe you get, each one must have a purpose even if it is to go through hell to get to peace here on earth

hope this isnt gobbldegook

17-02-06, 17:15
Hey dawn!!
I agree with jackie!! you are having a bad day- as do all of us!
I doubt you bring any heatache nor misery!!! and bad things always happen to the best people!!!
what i always tell meself when I am having bad days is there is a hell (worse than this world!!) and if we waste our precious and delicate life we will exsit there forever and regret it for all eternity!! (i dont believe in god but i think there are worse places than here!!)
I know things seem bad but you will feel better- why do you feel like this???

17-02-06, 19:06
Hi Dawn

I've also felt like this many many times in the past and quite recently too. When I am feeling particularly down and depressed, I often wonder why I am here and whether anyone would miss me if I wasn't here anymore.

It is just a bad day, or even a few bad days, and I think many of us have asked similar questions of ourselves when feeling so low. Things can and do improve, and you can come through it.

Go gently on yourself during this bad time.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

17-02-06, 19:53

Its just a downer there are a lot of good things in the world, smell the flowers, talk to people listen to the music. Simple pleasures but they should answer your questions about this being hell. No hell could be so nice as to offer what life offers. You will cheer up \i know it


17-02-06, 21:42
Sorry you are feeling so down. I have often wondered the same. It is hard when you are feeling so low but try to look at the world in a more postitive light.

I hate the feeling anxiety brings and often wondered how I could live a whole life like it but I am grateful for my husband and kids and fight through every day so that I know that I tried my hardest and they loved me for it.

Don't be too hard on yourself, give yourself a chance to climb back up to enjoying life. It does get better, honestly.

Annie x