View Full Version : Hi

03-07-10, 20:14
Hi I'm Paula, I have had anxiety and panic attacks for over a decade now and am finding it very difficult to leave the house at the moment. Hope to get some support here as often feel I am the only person in the world with this problem.



03-07-10, 20:16
Hi paulaf

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

margaret jones
03-07-10, 20:20
Hi Paula welcome to this fantastic site you will get lots of help and support here


03-07-10, 20:31
Hi Paula,

your def not alone as the huge amount of members on here will tell you!!! hope you get the help and support you need.


03-07-10, 20:49
Hi Paula and :welcome: to the NMP community.

you will get lots of support and meet loads of lovely people , and find out you are definately not alone.

best wishes

P x

07-07-10, 00:04
New here just today and was reading posts when I came across yours and can relate exactly to what you're going through. I'm wondering if this staying in the house thing was brought upon by something that happened recently, because that's how I became housebound for a time. Whether or not there was a trigger is not important. I think what is important is to realize like I did that you convinced yourself your house is your only safe place where no harm can come to you. The way back for me was to venture out, but a little at a time. Too much pushing too soon is no help to anyone, but little steps are the best way back. Plus a good attitude, and the one that works for me is to tell myself that I don't care what happens outside the home. The less you care, the more you'll release that tight grip on yourself and lessen the chances of a panic attack. It really does work, but you have to believe it will. All the best.


07-07-10, 23:08
Thanks so much for the replies everyone, its so comforting to hear from you all x