View Full Version : really worried

09-06-10, 20:22
I have had lots of stress,so many problems over the last few months with family,relationships etc etc..The toughest time of my life.
I have had minor anxiety issues for many years i'm 22.but since all my problems I have been having (today the worst so far) terrible chest pains,and dizzyness..I never seem to be able to relax and am constantly on edge...I have took the online anxiety tests and it says it's 'severe anxiety'

I have better days but maily they are bad. What worries me though are these chest pains together with dizziness/headaches....are these 'normal' with anxiety and does anyone else suffer this its like a sharp shooting pain in the heart area that lasts a second. It keeps coming back today lasts a second then goes :( along with this i'm really dizzy

09-06-10, 20:30
Hello there goaway1 :)
First, welcome to the forum! I really believe that you're gonna find a lot of support here :)

And second: yes, dizzines and chest pain are two of the most common symptoms of anxiety. It's really really scary :weep: But as you said, you're going through a lot of stress right now, so your body is just responding to that stress, and that's what is causing these terrible symptoms. '-' But you don't have to worry, they are frightful, but they're harmless! :) Just try to relax, and maybe even talk to someone about what you're felling, sometimes it really helps :D

I hope you feel better soon! :hugs:

09-06-10, 21:09
Thanks Natalie :)

I've also noticed a change in my vision Seeing little 'floaters' and sometimes it looks like it's light raining.... I also can't forget stuff if someone at work gives me any sort of advice or tell me i'm doing wrong I panic and think about it all day..

My symptoms are mainly dizzy,chest pains,vision changes,always 'on edge'.

I WORRY myself silly it's a heart problem or something else ... the way I feel it just seems it can't just be anxiety...some days i'm fine some i'm terrible and what's strange it just suddenly comes on for no reason? I was walking home from work today and I went all dizzy and have been having a slight shooting pain in the heart area all night along with the light headedness/dizzy/headache.

10-06-10, 03:00
I WORRY myself silly.............and that's how you're causing all your symptoms. Learn some relaxation techniques, stop focusing on fears and worries, find enjoyable things to think about and look forward to and you'll find they'll go away on their own. Not easy I know but that's the trick you need to learn. :hugs: