View Full Version : Floating feeling when lying down ?

25-04-10, 14:28
Sometimes, even after a relatively good day I put my head on the pillow and within a few minutes theres a strange floaty, almost dizzy sensation which is similar to that moment before you drop off to sleep but in this case im actually awake and realising whats happening.. One minute im thinking about something and then the next this floaty feeling.. Anyone else get that ?

25-04-10, 20:02
yes I do !!! and you are the first person to ever mention this. When I've mentioned it before I get looked at strangely ! but I get it if I've tried to do relaxation methods before I cant do them because the moment I lie down I get the horrid dizzy feeling.

Deepest Blue
25-04-10, 20:12
I've read about this, isn't this the same thing as an out of body experience!???

25-04-10, 20:31
Yes, i agree,it is a horrible feeling. It makes me quickly lift my head off the pillow. It can be caused by anxiety. ( I googled ) I know I shouldnt but was curious with the connection.
Is your feeling floaty almost like passing out kind of thing ?, but you are aware and pull it back?

25-04-10, 20:48
It's usually the adrenaline going round your system and at the same time your body is trying to relax. Hence the floaty feeling

25-04-10, 21:08
Yeah I get that! Phew it's so relieving to know I'm not the only one, and find out why it happens :)
I used to get dizzy spells frequently as a teenager. I taught myself to enjoy it. I don't need drugs to make me feel all funny :)

26-04-10, 00:39
I have been getting this recently and am so relieved to read it s because of anxiety! it scares me and I always have to force myself to wake up!