View Full Version : feeling off/funny?

14-04-10, 21:53

i had a stomache bug a couple of days ago. dont know if this might have anything to do with it? but i feel like i cant eat? and when i do im just not interested in food, and start to feel sick. i then start feeling really off and funny. and start worrying thats something really bad is wrong with me. also feeling abit weak, and im just not interested in food. is it cuz ive been sick the other day and hardly had anything to eat? i am feeling anxious and panicy.

please reply x:unsure:

14-04-10, 22:04
my neice (14) felt unwell on the 1st april and her stomach was so bad that my sis took her to a&e, they kept her in overnight incase it was her appendix but did say it was probly the stomach bug that seeems to be everywhere at the moment.
She was exactly the same as you, just not interested in any sort of food, its took a lot of persuasion to get her even to have a few ice poles!!! She is normally quick getting over bugs but this one really got her good and it was only monday this week she asked for a meal again. Her legs also feel "weird" as she has been off her feet a while and then to suddenly be up and about again she was quite wobbly. she is now almost back to normal. It just takes time to get out your system.
As long as you get plenty of fluids you will be ok, your appetite will come back, just rest and relax.

15-04-10, 08:48
Hi i had a stomach bug a few weeks ago, i was only sick a few times but i felt ill for just over a week, it left me feeling like i had just had a bad dose of flu and usually i love my food but i had no appetite and when i did eat felt sick after. Dont worry im sure its just that bug doing its rounds, nearly everyone in my family got it and felt the same. Hope you feel better soon