View Full Version : When it peaks...

13-04-10, 09:50
What happens to you when your anxiety peaks and what do you think starts it off?

For the last few days I've been great, been going out, coping and been very positive. Then for some unknown reason an unhelpful, random or negative thought enters my head and then it all starts to escalate.

Before I know it my eyes start watering like crazy and I feel uptight, sick and scared and then a pattern of random and negative thoughts just continues to appear in my head and I can't shake it loose until I do whatever I can to take my mind off it.

I assume this is anxiety at it's peak.

What do you feel when yours it at it's worst? Sound familar to mine?

I really hate it :weep:

13-04-10, 09:53
Its those first few moments of fear I hate the most it just grips me I kind of freeze while my mind and heart is racing and then I basically go through the same pattern as you.

13-04-10, 10:07
It's so unhelpful though isn't it yet so hard to shake once it's started.

I feel I can keep it at bay some of the time then some days it really does get the better of me and those are the days I dislike the most

13-04-10, 10:11
Definitely know what you mean had one of those days yesterday:weep:

13-04-10, 10:26
Don't worry last night I felt awful I couldn't sleep. Because I couldn't sleep I had a like a mini-panic attack and any time I woke up in the night I felt like it would just carry on.

Then this morning my unhelpful train of thought came back and my eyes have been watering and I've been feeling rubbish :unsure:

13-04-10, 10:35
Mine will usually start with a thought about my health or an unexpected pain...then, as it gathers momentum, I can no longer concentrate on anything and I feel the need to run away...I resolve this need by walking up and down or trying to involve myself in some physical task or other. At its peak I feel unbelievably frightened and hopeless.

13-04-10, 10:55
Yep Agnes that is totally the same as me. Often its a strange feeling in my body that will start it and then it just takes over.

Useless human body I want an upgrade lol!