View Full Version : Tense jaw

11-04-10, 22:21
Hi all :)

I have been working on adopting a more relaxed attitude to life in general and this has included learning how to relax my body.

After having anxiety for so long it becomes almost second nature to have tense muscles but I am having a lot of success in recognizing the physical syptoms of getting stressed and dealing with them.

Except for my tense jaw! :shrug: I have realised that I clench my teeth a heck of a lot, my tongue is almost permanently stuck to the roof of my mouth and I suffer quite a lot of headaches.

I'm sure this is now more of a bad habit rather than a symptom of anxiety but it's proving a heck of a habit to break..I was wondering if anyone has any ideas on how I can deal with this?

Thanks :flowers:

Onwards & Upwards
11-04-10, 22:35

Put your tongue between your teeth, 'cause you won't wanna bite that! it doesn't have to be sticking out, a la Jamie Oliver, you can kinda just do it on one side with your mouth shut or you can go for the Jamie Oliver look!

Feels kinda awkward but it might help to break the habit. It's a migraine preventing/limiting technique for me.

I also found something on Google about opening your mouth wide to stretch the muscles and release the tension, like a massive yawn and you can massage your jaw, infront of your ears.

I know what you mean about it being a hard habit to break cause you often don't know you're doing it.