View Full Version : Sinking into Depression...

17-01-06, 10:58
I have noticed over the last few weeks that I am really really down, it's really getting to me now. The only reasons I can think of is money and my job. I used to really enjoy my job but we had a new manager in October last year and I really can't get on with her, she is so patronising with everyone and just expects so much work from us. The team I worked in was great but there has been a lot of changes recently people moving on etc and now I get on with no-one in my team. It's really unlike me, I used to be so outgoing now anxiety and depression is dragging me down. I have changed so much, for the worse as well. Sorry to ramble on, just had to get it off my chest!

17-01-06, 11:09
hi sorry to hear your having a bad time .try and stick with it for a while longer and if it really doesnt work out would there be any way of changing jobs.some times we get stuck in a rut and never see a way out.i no its hard to change anything with this condition.i hav been offered a job just 3 days aweek.i have been at home for past 2 years after having my twins.but i am so anxous i think i cant do it.but i no if i dont start to change anything i'll never be able to move on from this.i no how hard this all is for you .i will be thinking of you.take care marcia

marcia lowe

existential crisis
17-01-06, 11:18
I think its good that you can pinpoint the main things which are causing you to feel the way you do - it sounds like all the changes at work have just made you miserable there. Maybe think about changing the job if its whats making you feel so down. There might be an improvement in your mood if you do - plus if you make a decision about it now then you might feel more in control before it gets to the point where you are so depressed you cant make a decision. Theres nothing worse than having a job you hate, because you have to spend so much of your time there. You seem to know what the trigger for this is - why not consider a change? Clare. xxx

*I think, therefore I am.*

17-01-06, 12:18
Hi thanks for your replies, I really really want a career change I have been sales for 8 years and I hate it! It's a difficult market to get out of I have tried several times but not got anywhere with it. I've tried several sales jobs and unfortunately this means my cv is just full of short jobs which doesnt look good.

17-01-06, 12:27
Hiya Richard,

Sorry to hear your not having a good time atm:(

Have you spoken to your local job center? they are normally good with helping with things like that, or even try some agencies?

Tatty B xx