View Full Version : Sinus pain???

Lou 1
03-04-10, 21:11
For the past few days i have had really horrible pressure in my head and on the left side at the back i have a pain (just on one side)

I also have pain accross my forehead and around the bones of my eyes aswell as pain and pressure in my cheeks.. I dont have a colde but my nose is a little stuffy but nothing major.
Could this be my sinus's?

The pain in the back of my head is just at the left side and seems to be just on the bone of my skul and at the bottom of my head, i thought this was tension but isnt tension at both sides?

Thanks for reading x

03-04-10, 21:36
It sounds like Sinus to me .. I have the pressure sensation at times side of head and sometimes at the back and was told most likely cause sinus's. At same time I usually get a lot of tension in my neck and shoulders. When one clears up the other tends to as well.

03-04-10, 22:12
I usually refer people to this link:
