View Full Version : would like to share my story with you!

02-04-10, 10:28
well i came to this site nearly 3 years ago! everynight i thought i was dying, my heart would race i was getting tons of ectopic beats and strange rythms! eevrytime i went to dr's they said i was fine and just put me on diff anti-deppresants and tamazepam! i never slept cos i was forever checking my pulse and waiting in fear for that dreaded missed beat which would make me sure i was about to die which would then speed up my heart to make things worse! after numerous trips to a&e and being told i was foine just in an sinus arythmia due to panic they finally agreed to do further tests! I had many ecgs, blood tests 24hour recordings echo bla bla which showed nothing but a bundle branch block which is apparantly very common and not dangerous whatsoever! after months of panic and sleepless nights i finally pushed for more tests and they agreed to give me a recorder for the week! but i was sure it wouldnt pick anything up because by the time you have the missed beats it would be too late to gte the recorder to my chest! one night after i finally fell asleep i was jolted awake with my heart racing only this time it felt different, it was really really going fast and no amount of calm breathing would slow it down! i didnt feel panicked like usual or have any pains or anything, strangely i felt quite calm, i put the monitor on my chest and recorded! then rang the hosp and sent the recording down the phone, aoutomatically the nurse called an ambulance and told me to stay calm which i found impossible, convinced i was about to die! finally aftre 10 mins the ambulance got to me and hooked me up to the machine and my heart was going at a rate of 250bpm!!!! when we got to a&e the dr's told me i was in svt! and that they would need to convert it to normal rythm with a drug called adenosine, i was told 3 attempts then if it didnt work they would shock me, the drug was horrible made me feel like my whole body was being crushed but only lasted a few seconds i happened to glance to the side where the machine was going and actually watched my heart flatline i was screaming thinking i was dead then bam it went again! it took the third attempt to revert me to normal rythm, the dr finally told me that the drug stops and restarts your heart! this was the scaryest thing of my life!!!!!!! after the dr's explained to me that svt is very common and not dangerous so long as its not left too long, he told me how back in the day people would have attacks for days on end and be fine just that leaving it too long could tier the heart, i was then referredto a cardiologist who went through everything with me, explaining how it wasnt dangerous condition just a nuisance if anything and if i was having regular attacks they could do an op. i decided to see how i went, but everynight scared to death it would happen again i got myself worked up and would end up in a&e with nothing but a sinus arrythmia due to panic. eventually i learned to anage my attacks and tell the difference between panic and svt. when i take deep breaths when my heart is racing if it doesnt slow down as i inhale then speed up after then i knew it was svt but most of the time it would stop on its own after 15 mins! thats what a&e told me happens alot people in svt dont get diagnosis cos most of time its gone by the time they get there, i even met one dr who had svt every day several times and was fed up of being converted he decidie to go for the op which he assured me worked wonders! its so nice to know how common this condition is and how generally un dangerous it is! its put a new outlook on my life now! yes i get many palps but i no longer fear hem as i know they wont harm me! and the fast rythm i tend to calm down myself now there are many maneuveres to help with it! just wanted to share my story! oh and the way to confirm svt is if your having a fast heart rate when panicking and you have an ecg that will show svt.episodes of svt can be once in a lifetime to once every few hours everyone varies and it can happen to anyone! i havent had an episode now in a year but always get the missed beats which are horrid and still scary to feel but i just reassure myself that they wont hurt me! i just have a sensitive heart is all!!!!!

02-04-10, 13:33
Thanks for sharing. I pray and hope I never have svt it sounds even more scary than these palps

03-04-10, 10:34
That is a very positive post sara. I have not experienced svt myself and neither do I want to, I do however suffer badly from ectopics and cardiac anxiety which for the past few weeks has vitually taken over my life.
I admire you for how you have taken such a philosophical approach to your problem, the experience you had in A&E must have been very scary at the time.
I read a while ago that a couple of top athletes had episodes of svt and after treatment then went on to compete at the highest level, that proves if anything that we should try and not really let these things get in the way of our aims and objectives. Best wishes.

03-04-10, 14:24
Hi everyone! I found this site 18 months ago and have been reassured many times by reading all your posts about ectopics and heart anxiety. I most recently had a reaction to either citalopram or a steroid injection I had in my back,( I started citalopram and had the injection in the same week) this resulted in an episode of SVT which kept me in hospital under obs for 12 hours.I had woken in the night with a prickly burning feeling between my legs which spread up my body, my face was white and my pupils fully dilated, I felt like Id been poisoned! My heart was hammering and was recorded at 165+ in the ambulance!It lasted about a minute each time but felt much longer. The same thing kept happening all day but with less intensity each time. I was also drinking water like a maniac. While all this was happening the PACS were non existent, needless to say they returned soon enough not to be out done! I will never take citalopram or have a steroid injection(kenalog) again EVER! I still dont know which it was , or both together?? Anyway Im now on Atenolol for the PACS, anxiety and high blood pressure, I hate MEDS even more than before, so I cut my 25mg tabs in half! Theyre either working fine or its psychological...Hmmm! Question... Does anyone else drink alcohol on Atenolol? Im off on hols next week and while I dont want to get hammered, the odd glass of wine would be nice! Just dont wanna aggravate my oh so sensitive heart!:shades:

Sorry for the ramble hope didnt bore anyone TOO much!:blush:

Jillybean xx

03-04-10, 16:12
I used to take 25mg of atenelol years ago and yes, I was able to drink some alcohol.

I did have a really fast hb once after taking sudofed...now that I think of it...I am always getting a time or two where my heart goes mega fast if that is svt.

It was recorded at 143 per min

05-04-10, 11:05
hi, nice to hear your stories too, there are a few medicines that can cause it, ive heard dr's saying in a&e before, but i just keep the positive thought in my head, svt is not dangerous so long as its treated, which is quite easily really, and the papls i have regularly dont bother me so much anymore as i know there not dangerou either, the dr always said to me unless my heart was going over 160 constantly then they wouldnt revert me, but mine was doing 250 at its fastest. i hope im not scaring people with my post cos i really would hate for that as i have beenh ere too with extreme health anx, thikning i may have everything that i read, but i want to put a positive on this condition, just to let you know that as terryfying as it is, it's not dangerous. jillybean come to think of it i was on that citrapalm. xx

05-04-10, 13:50
Thanks for sharing your experiences Sara8100 and Typer. Its certainly reassuring to know that these heart symptoms are benign and very common in healthy people. I have always suffered anxiety and am my own worst enemy, I quite often feel that my doc has me labelled a 'hypochondriac' and doesn't take me seriously, unless you 've ever suffered with anxiety you can't possibly understand. Dont think she believed me over the SVT issue until she saw the report from the hospital.

Ps Sara8100, thats interesting about the citalopram, makes you wonder what they re pumping us with eh?..

Take care! :bighug1: