View Full Version : anyone tried syndol for tension headache?

rachel marie
01-04-10, 21:36
hi everyone, im asking this question because i have had constent dull pain on the right side of my head with random pains all over, the doctor said its tension but dont you usually get the dull squeezing pain all over ur head not just one side???
also i have had the pain for 3 wks none stop.
had ct scan was normal.

i have tried paracetomal dont work
so i have started taking syndol today and they sort of take the pain away but mostly make me drowsy so wanted to no if anyone else has tried them, how did they work for you? did they make the pain go compleatly?

01-04-10, 21:54
The main ingredients in Syndol are Paracetamol and codeine .They also contain caffeine ..If you are going to take codeine ,its cheaper to buy the chemists own brand of CO-CODAMOL ,they are cheaper and also caontain the same apart from caffeine .You dont need the caffeine if you suffer with anxiety .I take co-codamol ,and they are very good .Some people feel sleepy on them .If you are taking other medication you may find you feel tired combining the two .Co-deine is addictive and can cause headaches if you take too many of them ..So if you try them dont take them for days on end sue x

02-04-10, 00:29
I get awful tension headaches from clenching my teeth in my sleep. My doctor recently prescribed me Amitriptyline 10mg to take at night. I found that taking them a couple of hours before bed made me relax a lot more and sleep longer and better. The headaches stopped immediately. However they made me sleepy during the day and a bit unsteady on my feet and slow mentally. I stopped taking them after a week because they made me constipated which is a problem with my IBS. I will take them as needed if I start getting these headaches again. They are recognised to work as a pain killer and sedative at a lower dose than they are used as an antidepressant and they don't have the addictive risks that codeine has so it's worth talking to your GP about.

02-04-10, 00:59
You also need to be careful with co-codamol as it does not suit all people on certain medications.

I cannot take it.

02-04-10, 10:23
i have been a headache sufferer for years - had a continuous headache for 3 years and was under the headache clinic at york. they only really started to go when i stopped fighting them and relaxed more, drank more water etc but i still feel headachey a lot of the time. the pill also made mine much worse but if i come off the pill i get acne.

i take syndol several times a week - i find it works much better than plain codeine/paracetamol because it has an extra ingredient in it - a muscle relaxant - it shifts some of my headaches where i would usually have to go to bed with them.

they are not meant to be taken on a very regular basis as you can then become dependent on them and they can actually cause rebound headaches.

02-04-10, 10:31
I used to take Syndol quite a lot. They are good for getting rid of tension headaches but I came off of them when I started suffering with anxiety, because I do not like taking anything with caffeine in them, and syndol contain caffeine. I now take co-codamol for headaches and they are quite good. I told the pharmacist that I was on citalopram and he said I could take co-codamol. I am going to have a word with my Dr next time I go for a check up and see if there is anything that he can prescribe because I do get quite bad headaches that last for a couple of days, not awful but more of a tension headache. I would say be aware that Syndol can become quite addictive, and I am glad I do not take them any more, but they do ease tension headaches.

Jannie x x

02-04-10, 10:43
just to add that coedeine can be addictive too x