View Full Version : I'm new

26-03-10, 13:53
Hi. I have suffered with depression and anxiety on and off since suffering post natal depression after the birth of my first child nearly 15 years ago. It's more anxiety now than depression and I am quite well between my 'episodes' although the return of the anxiety always seems to catch me unawares and it takes me a while to remember my coping techniques. However, on a lighter note I have a terrific husband, two wonderful children and a cat with a bad attitude. I do really enjoy my life when I am fully well and get frustrated with the recurrences of the anxiety which is mainly a health anxiety.

26-03-10, 13:55
Hi Rosepetal72

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

26-03-10, 14:26
A big welcome here as well, but I don't know if we can help with the cat. Congrats on having a wonderful family though.
One of us

27-03-10, 17:14
we all get set backs or blips but we know they will go it did before it hard to beleive at the time but you have to keep beleiving