View Full Version : Help/advice needed shoulder blade aches, hot flushes,chest pain

24-03-10, 22:52
I've just joined up tonight. and really need reasurance i think.
i'm 25, and i've never suffered panic attacks or anxiety problems at all even after having cancer 5 years ago ( cleared ), nothing worried me.

but within the last year, i have been told i suffer from panic attacks etc.

my systems are as follows.

they started off by a pain in my left side of chest, which sent hot flushes to my head and made me dizzy. thats how it started it off a year ago, now litterally every single night in that years it's done the same thing, many hospital trips, lots of diazapam. only the last couple of days, it's been severe, i'm not worried about anything at all at the moment, life is generally good. but my shoulder blades on both sides have ached so much and all day long. which then goes into a pain under my left breast and send these hot flushes to my head and my head is on fire, i can breath fine but my chest is so so tight.

at this present moment. my shoulder blades are aching badly, i've got tingles all over my back my chin is tingly and feels like its going numb and i'm so hot my head is so hot and i feel dizzy.

can someone try and and expalin, if this is anxiety?


24-03-10, 23:57
hi sezbe!

take some time to read this site. read what there is to read on lhs of page. then, look at posts to do with panic and anxiety. you will quickly realise you are not alone. the trick now is to convince yourself that anxiety is the problem. then and only then will you be able to fight it! also, look at the lifestyle changes advised here regarding things like caffeine, alcohol, cigarettes and exercise/diet. relax, you have anxiety!:hugs:

25-03-10, 12:55
Hiya, sure sounds like anxiety. I would always say rule out anything physical before assuming this though - Drs are so experienced with stress and anxiety now and can offer lots of reassurance. Nat x

27-03-10, 20:44
I found that an anxiety rush flushes my face and makes me lightheaded. Also have lots of neck/shoulder tension.. Anyone have the fleeting dizziness when moving tense shoulders?

27-03-10, 21:02
believe me the mind when focused and fearing on symptoms can create new ones and the fire sensation you describe I am familiar with I also remember when it happened I was becoming hysterical and on that occasion I recall inducing it myself because it automatically followed a thought...if you are in the uk phone nhs direct or nhs 24 even if to only speak to someone for reassurance goes a long way .. try relax your breathing if you can hugs hun you arent alone x take care