View Full Version : Calcium Abnormal Low Level ??

24-03-10, 18:18
Hi all

Forgot to mention this on my other post, i got my chemical blood test results back from the doctor ...
Potassium is fine
Magnesium is fine
Am not diabetic
Calcium is low, borderline but they wont do anything about it for now.

ok thats all fine, but can anyone please tell me, would calcium affect me at all with my anxiety ?? the cardiologist asked for these tests to be done to see if anything in the blood would be causing the ectopic heartbeats ..... am confused now as i dont know whether i need to be doing something about the calcium level in my system or not.

I am asthmatic and i take a strong steroid that contains cortisone or something like that, i also take a water tablet a day, citalopram, salbutomol and another tablet for my asthma to keep the airways open as i have atopic asthma ( basically my lungs hate every day pollutions ).

I read somewhere that steroids can cause a lack of calcium not sure if thats right or not ..

anyways if anyone knows can you please tell me if i need to do anything about the calcium..


sarah jayne
24-03-10, 18:58
I would also be interested to know this as i have recently been diagnosed with a calcium and vit d difiency, i suffer from anxiety...x

27-03-10, 00:57
hi has anyone found out at all if low calcium would be related to anxiety at all - ectopic beats etc , would be great if someone could answer :)


02-04-10, 19:31
It can be low with hypoglycemia which can also cause palpitations

INFO (http://www.allergycentre.com.au/id129.htm)

Onwards & Upwards
02-04-10, 20:03
This is interesting 'cause I wanna have all my mineral and vitamin levels checked. Amanda, I see your cardiologist asked for the tests to be done but sarah jane how did you get yours done??? I'm hoping your GP arranged it 'cause that's what I wanna ask mine next week! Please tell! :)

sarah jayne
02-04-10, 21:02
Yes my gp arranged it because of all the symptoms i was having including aches and pains all over, headaches, pins and needles, swollen ankle etc x

02-04-10, 21:15

Symptoms of calcium deficiency sometimes mimic those of anxiety disorders. According to Anxiety Panic, calcium deficiency can cause irritability, heart palpitations and insomniahttp://images.intellitxt.com/ast/adTypes/mag-glass_10x10.gif (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/#), all of which are common symptoms of anxiety disorders.

Onwards & Upwards
02-04-10, 21:27
Thanks sarah jane, that's great to know! :yesyes:

Also, in response to Amanda's original query, minerals and vitamins can have a knock-on affect on each other e.g. not having enough of a certain vitimin or mineral can affect the body's use of other vitamins & minerals so if you know of a deficiency it would be wise to adjust it.

Perhaps start supplementing your calcium and of course let your doc know you're doing it and then have the levels checked again.

The "borderline" thing is difficult in that that level may be alright for one person but not for another as we're all different.

As your calcium is "borderline" you could see that as room for improvement, perhaps? Might be a good thing to do!? What have you got to lose? :shrug:

02-04-10, 21:38
Ive had bad ectopics for over 20 years at their worst every 3rd beat and best days only notice them 3-4 times a day but never had a day without.
I had tried everything from no caffeine etc but could not find a direct connection with anything suggested.

I had blood tests and my potassium was just on low side of normal and was told that this can trigger ectopics in some people and to eat bananas to keep potassium levles normal. things did seem to improve after that but still get bad times so its not the only cause but one worth mentioning

04-04-10, 04:36
Hi,I had low calcium reading,it was due to the thyroid and parathyroid,which i have now had parathyroid removed.The symptoms are all of what you have mentioned.Ask your Doc for a Thyroid Hormone Level Test and Parathyroid,you might be surprised at the result.Please let me know how you get on.take care

10-04-10, 11:07
hi all thanks for the replies .... i will get the thyroid and parathyroid checked ( thanks for that one :) ) .... not had many extra beats lately yayyy but i still get them most days just not as much atm.


10-04-10, 11:20
Because you also have asthma which I beleive to be similar to allergies, I recomend researching histadellia, high histamine which causes anxiety and one of the recomended nutrients for this is calcium. This is not mainstream, but you will find lots of info on the web.

11-04-10, 11:26

Symptoms of calcium deficiency sometimes mimic those of anxiety disorders. According to Anxiety Panic, calcium deficiency can cause irritability, heart palpitations and insomniahttp://images.intellitxt.com/ast/adTypes/mag-glass_10x10.gif (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/#), all of which are common symptoms of anxiety disorders.

Interesting. I wonder what test is for calcium levels. I guess it is time to ask my GP to test for calcium etc.

30-04-10, 19:19
thanks for all the replies, im going to start taking some vitamins to try and up my levels of calcium to see if it makes a difference.
I have had the thyroid hormone test done and it came back normal dont think i have had the parathyroid done tho so i will mention that next time when i go to the doctors :)