View Full Version : Sore neck and shoulder really scaring me....

24-03-10, 16:37
I am so sick of this. Since Christmas I have had a bad neck on the left hand side. Anti inflammatories etc haven't touched it. I then found a lump in my neck and at the back of my shoulder and ran to the docs. He said they were fine and that Osteopathy may help. I have had a couple of sessions with the Osteopath but I feel this problem is getting worse instead of better. The pain makes me feel fluey by the end of the day. I am terrified that I have got a tumour growing through my neck. Arghhh - these thoughts are hideous. I want to go to the docs again but worry they just see me as a hyperchondriac. I just don't know what to do.....:unsure:

24-03-10, 17:00
If your doctor had any worries at all about anything serious he'd have sent you for various tests. The fact that it's an osteopath who is seeing you is actually reassuring. Even they would know if it was anything serious. I know it's difficult not to let our imaginations run away with us, but it really does sound like something not to worry about. Anxiety could also be making you tense your neck and shoulders which is aggravating it - we are our own worst enemies. If you find you can't stop worrying then speak to your doctor and he can maybe arrange an x-ray which will help reassure you further.
Myra x

24-03-10, 17:35
Thank you Myra - this is reassuring. I am just getting in such a state about this. Makes a break from worrying about breasts though!!!

24-03-10, 20:54
Hey hun
I cam simpathise as I have the same problem on the same side. Although my pain is from reagrevating an old injury but still non the less as it is still here since Nov it is distressing when things just dont get better.
The fact that you have a sore neck can be from a variety of things and a tumour is on a very low scale of one of the possibilities. You would be so suprised how sensitive our neck can be there are so MANY muscles in that area.
Anything from bad posture, stress etc can trigger this off and the fact that you have anxiety doesn't help the situation as we hold a lot of our stresses in our shoulders and neck.
Be rest assured that what you have is 100% treatable and you just need to be patient. I was seeing an osteo for a little bit but like yourself wasn't finding much help with her so I have gone back to my physio whom I saw when I initally had the injury and things are getting better. They work on strengthening the muscels etc and doing lots of stretches which help.

In regards to the lump or lumps, I have and have had the same. I have on that is on the left side of me neck at the back which is in the centre from my base of skull to where my shoulder join, this is actual a joint that is the lump (nothing sinsister), from all the muscle build up around it from the tensness. Again I have another what feels like a lump in the shoulder where the neck joins which is a raised tendon ... all of these are muscle and stress related.
I suggest you make an app with a physio and get them to start treatment on you and just ask them whats this whats that and why does it do that etc will re assure you!

Sorry long reply - hope I didn't bore you :)

Best of luck xoxo

25-03-10, 12:51
Hi, I sympathise as I also have muscular pain and lumps. Always go back to your GP if you need reassurance - mine have been so good and will never just dismiss your concerns and will always seek to reassure you. I agree with Myra - if they were even a bit concerned they would have sent you off for tests. Please believe your Dr and not that evil Dr Google!! Good luck!