View Full Version : minor salivary glands / mouth cancer fears....

17-03-10, 22:20
Hi i havent been on here for awhile and im looking for some reassurance

recently ive been worrying about my mouth i have a mucocele in my mouth (fluid retention cyst) whih has been cnfirmed by a doctor

just recently ive noticed to the left of it there are 2 small lumps and im worried as to what they are could they just be salivary glands?? an anyone else feel theres? id say there a small pea sized in the tissue below the lower lip

anyone?? could this be mouth cancer? im only 23 ive had a host of blood tests done last week all comeback normal (FBC, CP, ESR, CHEM SCREEN, THYROID, LIVER) and im quite a fit keen cyclist seem to be gaining a little weight at present but that could be poor eating habits


17-03-10, 23:55
I would imagine that when the doc looked at your cyst then they would have seen the lumps too. If your really worried then go back to the doc just to put your mind at rest but seeing as your blood work was all normal I wouldnt think that there was anything to worry about :hugs:

18-03-10, 08:01
I use to get mucocelle's all the time, I think it's from biting and from sucking on my lip from being nervous....havent had one in about a year...as for the bumps...are they in your mouth? Are they visible? I constantly have ulcers in my mouth so I am always super sensitive when something doesnt seem right there. I can feel tons of tiny bumps on my lips if I run my tongue kind of hard on them...is that what you are talking about? They are even visible when I stretch out my lips.

they are in my mouth but they are not visible there is only one that seems larger than the other smaller bumps in the mouth like i said its a small pea sized you wouldnt know it was there unless you felt the inside of my mouth.

maybe im worrying about nothing but i may pop to the dentists

18-03-10, 08:44
Getting to the point where I'm so so down with my mouth I won't ever get past this anymore.

I have so many problems there as it is and now I have a large boil on the front of my lip and within that boil are three white raised lumps/spots.

It looks horrendous. I can't even begin to tell you how much my confidence is taking such a beating.

And the fact that I have my birthday on Saturday too looking like this makes me feel majorly depressed.

I don't think stress can cause something as disgusting as this :weep:

18-03-10, 20:57
had a dentist check this today he said nothing to worry about

strangely im still worried lol