View Full Version : upset, worried, anxious & feel like im going to lose it, Help!!!

16-03-10, 16:38
Hi to everyone who reads this.

I just need some reassuring words if anyone has any?

My current situation is that I am suffering a relapse of anxiety after several years. This time round my anxiety seemed to have manifested as health anxiety. I have suffered from really bad reflux for the past 6 months and have also had IBS type symptoms. Since then my anxiety has slowly crept up on me and I feel like I am back to square one again.

I havent felt as bad as I do today for about 6 years! I have that derealisation/depersonalisation feeling and its scaring me, I feel like Im losing it!

I feel like I am making the people around me miserable being like this again, but they seem to have forgotten what I was like before and can't seem to understand why I feel anxious. I should mention that I can't really talk to anyone else about how I feel because I feel guilty, they will make me feel bad about how I behave and just tell me to pull myself together

16-03-10, 16:46
Hi hunny, yes i often feel like im losing it and sometimes i think that that is one of the awful symptoms of anxiety. Please rest assure that you are not alone and we all can have days that are not so good. Im sure your not making others miserable, maybe they are just a little worried about you as u r having a bad time at the mo. I think we all ahve set backes at some point, but you must try to remeber that you have been here before and you came out the other side and felt great. Its just a case of learning to control it again and im sure you will be fine. I often say that i cant remeber anxiety being like this but when i look back ive said it the time ive had a set back before. I think we get content when we start to control the anxiety so when it comes back we forget how to deal with it. Im always hear to help you hun and you can always pm. xxxxx

16-03-10, 17:00
Thanks for your kind reply. I guess I am feeling a little more stressed that usual as last week someone I know passed away and I have noticed that since then I seem to be fixated even more on my health and the health of others around me, I think the shock of it has really hit me today. I am trying to stay positive but its hard and thus I needed some support from people on here! so thanks again x

16-03-10, 17:35
No problem. I think when bad things happen to others it can make us look at our own lives and find something wrong and as i have health anxiety it makes it even worse. Please try not to worry and im sure you will be fine. xx

09-04-10, 19:37
Hey guys. Was wondeing how long before things get better? I have to say since I posted the original post, I have not only felt more anxiety but now I seem to have awful derealization and possibly mild depression too! I feel very down and I dont know why. I have increased my meds this week so maybe that is the cause?

My anxiety seems to have shifted from health issues to just general anxiety, I have sense that something awful will happen. I cant enjoy the nice sunny weather and spring time, which is my favourite season, because when I look outside everthing seems dull and scary....... its strnage I dont know how to explain. Does anyone else feel like this?

I am trying to stay positive, I really am........ can anybody offer me any advice or support cause I NEED some :unsure: Thanks in advance! x

10-04-10, 10:22
Thanks so much for your reply fiona. Ive been for a walk this morning and plan to do some work outside to get some sunshine again today, it cant hurt can it?! I dont feel able to tell anyone how I feel really, apart from venting my feelings on here!, mainly because I dont want to worry them or make others feel the stress and worry that I feel on a daily basis. Im hoping it will pass asap! Hope you have a nice weekend and enjoy the weather :)

10-04-10, 13:01
I imagine that is a common problem for the majority of people on this forum - not being able to talk to someone about it, either because you don't want to upset them or that they won't understand. It is so sad to think that, but at least we have this forum and the good people on it to turn to.

10-04-10, 13:35
Hi, i know i've also been feeling exactly like you. I weaned off my ADs since january, and thought i was doing ok, kept doing the cbt and facing my fears, but this week got so bad I could barely function. Went to see my doctor who was so kind to me I cried. She made me feel so much better, by saying it was ok to stay on ADs as long as I felt necessary, so I've started taking 20mgs of Citalopram, and starting to feel a little better. Also reading Clare Weekes books is a great help. Hope you start feeling better soon.:)

10-04-10, 17:46
Thanks for the replies.

Yep Paul, I agree, its good to know theres people here to talk to!

Primula, glad you have a good doctor, that alwasy helps. I hope now that your back on the meds again things will start to improve for you, Im sure they will, good luck:)