View Full Version : Mental health assessment tomorrow - eek!

15-03-10, 21:26
hi all

I have my mental health assessment tomorrow morning at 9:30 and iv got the wobbles about it. Its at my house due to the agoraphobia and I know its going to be fine and they just want to know what im all about but im just worried im going to go really dizzy and just want them out of my house! or when i talk about how crap a lot of things are in my life i'll just burst into tears and it wont reflect on the fact im doing ok i just need a bit of support. Also I dont want them to touch my meds at all as im happy with the balance iv got with them - plus i kow they're going to say 'well first we need to get you to the doctors for appointments' - uh no, not after last time i went there (4 years ago) the stupid therapist shut me in a room and said she wouldnt take me home until id got through the panic attack - despite me begging and crying like a crazy person - she promised she would take me home whenever i wanted , needless to say the trust was gone after that!
sorry that was a ramble - just nervous and hope i dont lose it - i already have a headache - plus i hate not having a set amount of time - like 1 hour -the letter says leave a couple of hours - if i know for definate how long i have to stay calm i can break it down into like 10 min slots and work through it - oh bum! :huh:

im ranting - i'll stop - just needed a friend to tell me its gonna be alright.

anna xxx

15-03-10, 21:40
Hi hun. Don't worry about what impression you give or how you react, I am sure they have seen everything! Be yourself, that's all anyone can do! Maybe you could tell them how nervous you are, basically what you have told us!

Can they make you change your meds if you are happy with them? Why would they if you are happy?

I know its easier said than done but try not to over think/analyse this. Keep yourself occupied before they arrive and try to think of them as a friend coming for a chat n a cuppa. Maybe you could try not to put them on a pedestal either, they are coming to help you not hinder you or dominate you. You are a free person in your home, on your turf and you are allowing them to visit you, you are in control my friend! Let us know how you get on won't you?:hugs:

15-03-10, 21:41
Hello Anna,

Firstly I am sorry that you had such an awful experience at the doctors. I had one that I found really scary when I was 18. Anyway I think the most important thing to remember is that these people or person is there to help and just have a little chat.

If you explain when you first settle down that you are nervous then I am sure they will accommodate this. They are there to help you, please believe this.Not all are the kind who believe they can cure you by forcing you to ride out a panic attack! Bloomin' fool if you don't mind me saying, I just don't think that can help......

Just explain to them and if you do find yourself getting upset take a deep breath and tell them. Be honest and they will help.

Take care x

15-03-10, 21:53
you guys are right - i hadnt realised it but i've been thinking about this as a fight - they are going to make me do thing i dont want to do - they wont understand - they want to upset me , because of my experience with the previous woman.
i guess we are all there for the same reason - and if they dont understand about me feeling wobbly then they are rubbish (oops there i go again thinking they know nothing!)
*sigh* why do i overthink these things?

thankyou for being my friends and talking me out of my own head again!

anna xx

15-03-10, 22:44
part of our probs is that we overthink and over feel everything - good luck tomorrow be a dull moron like everyone else!! HAHA:D

16-03-10, 12:19

Just read your post. Im so shocked that your previous therapist shut you in a room and expected you to ride out your panic attack, thats like totally horrific, I don't know how she thought that could help! No wonder you've been feeling nervous and scared about today. I hope the assessment goes well. Let us know how you get on. Take care :)

18-03-10, 20:45
hi all!

well needless to say i built it up in my head to be a huge panic triggering event - and i was fine! there were two of them and they were very nice and asked me lots of questions about how im doing and asked me what i hoped for and didnt make me cry - bonus!!
thankyou all for your support - just got to wait for them to decide what to do with me!

thankyou again

anna xxx