View Full Version : joints again

12-03-10, 07:52
Went back to work yesterday and my joint pain has all flared up again, its been good for a few weeks. is there a connection , i just don't know what to do anymore.
Have appointment with rheumatologist at end of month.
Dr has said its arthritis .
I don't want to spend the rest of my life in pain.
Does anyone have fibromyalgia , my pain does seem to get worse after stress and blood tests only mildly positive , not strong enough for RA.
Please advise, i feel desperate again.

13-03-10, 16:41
The consultant I saw (rheumatologist) said that he didn't believe in fibromyalgia and just said that I had a "pain syndrome". He referred me to the pain clinic where they try different therapies to help reduce the pain.

My pain definitely flares up with stress and anxiety and your condition does sound more like a pain syndrome rather than anything more specific like RA.

I know you've posted before about this and I hope this time they can get to the bottom of it.

14-03-10, 08:48
Thank you