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baby bell
10-03-10, 23:21
hi everyone my names bell and ive just found this site i cant belive so many freinds r going through the same as me i feel like a freak most of the time wishing i didnt feel this way i have 3 kids and just vwish i could be like a normal mum and have a normal life my docs gave me tablets but im to scared to take them i have really bad panic attacks too pls help me xxxxxxxxx

10-03-10, 23:23
Hi baby bell

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

11-03-10, 00:49
Welcome Baby Bell

I know it can be daunting going on new medication but if you've tried other non-med routes and it's failed then I would give it a go.

After all, now you have found this support forum you'll know that you're not alone.

Take care

11-03-10, 01:18
Hi baby bell

:welcome:to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :hugs: