View Full Version : Feeling down

07-03-10, 13:49
On the sick at the moment because of my boss at work with anxiety/depression on citalopram 10mg doc says i can take another 10 mg if i need to not looking forward to going back to my job because i do not get paid for being of sick would change jobs but nothing going at the moment feeling trapped and panicky

07-03-10, 17:44
My thoughts are with you- anxiety is horrible, especially the trapped feeling. Hope things pick up soon :flowers:

07-03-10, 18:47
On the sick at the moment because of my boss

Is your boss bullying you?

07-03-10, 19:15
I do not know wether its bulling or pressure either way I just hate the place so much and my anxiety it realy playing up

Purple Fish
07-03-10, 20:04
Hi there,

Have you spoken to anyone about how you feel? Doctor or someone at work?

It will get better, feel free to have a rant on here whenever. There are people on here that listen, and it will make you feel loads better, it`s helped me.

Take care
Tanya xx

07-03-10, 20:39
Hi im on citalopram aswell and diazepam only just started taking it so im feeling a bit worse at the minute, and i really feel for you, i also dont get sick pay if im off so i have got to work to feed my family and pay bills so i know what you are going through, its horrible mines more agrophobia aswell so its even worse everyday is a fight for me, feel free to pm anytime if you need someone to talk to x

07-03-10, 21:19
I do not know wether its bulling or pressure either way I just hate the place so much and my anxiety it realy playing up

What sort of things bother you then matey?

08-03-10, 18:00
think im singing from the same page as you,been back to work since christmas,and everyday is a total struggle,and am in the no win situation,no sick pay... so feel pressure to go to work,when all i want to do is curl up with blanket...,and get sick of making a huge to get through the day..

keep your chin up i know how hard it is

love sky