View Full Version : cant stop thinking

06-03-10, 22:02

I can't manage to fall asleep during the night because my brain simply wont turn off. I just think and think and think and its driving me crazy. I need some rest but my brain wont turn off. I try to relax and clear my thoughts but they still come! I don't know how to stop it and its affecting my sleep. Last night I probably had a total of 4 hours of sleep and feel very tired right now. Every time I close my eyes I can't relax and I think about things that happened during the day. For example, yesterday I played video games for about an hour and then while in bed my brain thinks I'm still playing! This is crazy and I need to know how I can turn my brain off and just go to bed already. Advice and answers much appreciated


Dee dee
06-03-10, 22:06
I dont think playing video games b4 bed will help as it stimulates your brain..maybe try reading? it helps me

ally b
06-03-10, 22:14
Hi clili, no advise as such........I get this all the time,its like your over tired.We have gotta try to relax an calm down b4 we sleep.Its like finishing work,feeling so tired,butt ya body as gatta wind down first.
Hope this kinda makes sence xx

06-03-10, 22:30
Happens to me sometimes. It is frustrating,the sleep does come tho.When u have a bad night try not to sleep during the day. Have u got a tv in ur room? what i do is put the telly on something like qvc lol,have it turned down really low,get comfy in the bed and just watch the screen.If this doesnt work then i wld get up,make a warm drink,milk or something,get ur duvet and relax on ur sofa with the tv.Just try not to think why am i feeling like this,wats happening etc.Dont fight the thoughts.Think about things u want to do.At the moment imthinking about colour schemes for my house,have been going thru each room inmy minds eye lol.
Gd luck,i hope u can sleep well and peacefully tonight x

06-03-10, 22:33

I used to be like you. I couldn't read before bed or I would think of the rest of the story, I couldn't watch TV or I would replay the action, video games......absolute no no. I would go over the events of the day....over and over and over......I would go over what would happen the next day.

Anyway, now I am on medication for something else that has the side effect of making me sleep.

However, the only non medical solution I ever found to be good was to take a good amount of exercise in the morning.


Dee dee
06-03-10, 22:36
Exercise is Fab for helping you sleep. If i have any worying thoughts I try to write them down and write solutions etc..writing them down is almost like letting the problem leave your mind if that makes sence..that what it does for me anyway.

07-03-10, 04:33
I know it sounds daft but i try to imagine a book in my head that i want to write. Story, charecters ect. Might not be a good book but hey:yesyes:.

07-03-10, 18:05
What works for me is counting down from 1001 to 0 in sevens ie 1001, 994, 987 etc. I never get to zero before I'm asleep again. Also A few sprays of Dr Bach's Night Time Rescue remedy seems to help
Hope you find a cure

07-03-10, 18:31
i used to get this all the time dont play games before going to bed at least 3 hrs don't sleep in the afternoon i also take a puzzle book to bed no good at puzzles but i do the find a name search i go to bed at a set time now and im dropping off in no time and i stop in bed till 6 next morning where before i was getting up all hrs of the night as my mind would not switch off do this for a couple of wks i can tell you it works go to bed same time every night and do ur puzzle till u cant keep ur eyes open

08-03-10, 03:56
Tried a few of the things you guys suggested and falling asleep doesn't seem to be a problem now. Only problem I still have is staying asleep. At best i'll only wake up once during the night and just lie there thinking again. Really frusturating because I don't know why this is happening and just want to sleep through the night again. Any suggestions on how to stay asleep and not wake up?

17-03-10, 03:06
Sorry for the really late reply.If your a big tea or coffee drinker try to cut down or not drink them at all,but if you cant't cut down try to restrict them to just mornings.probably not the best advise but you never know.:unsure: