View Full Version : any psycho analyists to hand?

08-01-06, 13:15
I've noticed the the last two days that there has been a slight decline in the progress I've been making over the last few weeks IF ANY. I decided in the New year to stop taking my SSRI medication as I'd been slowly weaning off from the begining of December. I dont feel as on edge as I was when I was on them but have started to suffer with a bit of confusion and not being able to sleep, waking up feeling panicky etc. I've also decided to stop smoking and have drastically cut down on the fags from 10 to maybe 3 a day. Anyway, the main reason I wanted to post here today is to see if people can advise me on the confusion I seem to be getting. I wake up in the morning feeling slightly on edge, I try and do the normal morning routine thing to occupy my mind. During the first few hours of the morning you'd swear that it had been five different mornings (Sorry if im sounding nuts here). I can walk from he kitchen to the living room for example and you'd think I'd been in a time warp or something. It's like one minute im here the next im not, and the harder I try to work out whats wrong the worse it seems to get. Any advice appreciated thanks.

08-01-06, 13:18
forgot to mention that I have'nt really been out since New Years day either. Maybe that's contributing to the confusion?? also had a few to many beers the other night after six months of non drinking.

08-01-06, 14:48

Great that you do recognise that progress has been taking place. Thats good then

The reduction in smoking may have contributed but I think your second post has really stated it - get out and about and doing again. Put your focus elsewhere with a wider vision than you are currently.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

Sue K with 5
08-01-06, 16:56
Hi ya !

I think Megs right in what she has just said. All these are contributing factors to the way you have taken matters in hand and made some positive decisions in relation to smoking and coming off the cipramil.

There is a saying I hear frequently from my therpist Elephants and small bites. Take one day at a time. Deep breaths for the panic and make sure you are keeping busy and focused all this will pass! you are doing great

Well done

Sue with 5
