View Full Version : Thought I was doing really well

23-02-10, 10:45
I have been doing really well up until last night. Slight leak in the roof and the whole lot comes back to haunt me. No sleep, shaking, no eat. Help ??

23-02-10, 10:58
its strange how things can bring these awfull feelings back ALLthey need is a trigger,, yours was the leak,,you will come right i am going throu the same its crap

23-02-10, 13:40
Can I ask what is your coping mechanism ? I've tried CBT and found it fairly ok in some senses, but useless in others.

andrea thompson
23-02-10, 14:06
hiya hon
i know what you mean i was holding everything togetherand then got a chest infection and feel rotten all the old symptoms returning... like you i fealt was doing well getting back on track and now been knocked off my feet... i think we should find comfort in the fact that we have been on the road to recovery recently and this is just a blip.. it is crap but we can get through it cos we have done it before...

take care

andrea x x

23-02-10, 15:04
to cope i play chess paint anything to take my mind off how i feel but sometimes its so hard ,,but we have to try dont we.only we ourselfes can with a little help

23-02-10, 15:55
I know what you mean.

I always seem to be happy for a while then out of nowhere the anxiety comes back and feels like it's crippled me for a bit.

I'm actually feeling a bit rubbish at the moment with a tensed knot in my lower chest that i'm battling with to try and stop it. Mine seemed to come from absolutely nowhere... it's as if the thought "Oh im feeling great, not had anxiety in a while" triggered off my anxious brain and slowly took over again.

All I can say is try not to worry about it too much, the more you think about how horrible your feeling the worse you will feel. I find convincing myself that it's not affecting me is key. Just constantly battling my anxious brain. It's hard work, and tiring but eventually i know I will feel good again.

Hope you feel better soon.

23-02-10, 16:16
Thanks guys. I don't feel so stupid now knowing there are more like me about. The stupid thing is that the things which trigger my episodes (likes leaks), if they happend to your house, I would be over there in a flash ready to fix the problem, but if it happens on my side of the fence, complete breakdown, wishing I was out of the way. Strange isn't it.