View Full Version : Why Do We Keep on Dwelling on Negative Thoughts

19-02-10, 20:59
Its been almost 2months now since i developed my HA,, the first month was hell cant eat,sleep and began to loose weight. I was convinced that i have a major illness and was ready to die anytime just like a bomb ready to explode
as you trawl on my past threads i was very Scared of contracting HIV a guilty part of me looked back 2-3 years ago when i had several mishaps (unprotected hoola) i know most of us had this thing sex isnt bad after all.

But the hardest part in coping up with HA is our minds dwelling on the negative side and repercussion, what if's and more what if's i cant think positively my conscious mind is clouded by thoughts of fear, dying of that dreaded virus.

Butthere is always a light in the end a comforting hand on which we would guide and support us in our ordeal i know someday we can look back and smile at this,, i hope that each and everyone of us would

20-02-10, 01:27
Wish you could get over the fear as I often wish I could,there are times where I can get in the I don't care frame of mind but then you are young and you can't afford that..Just try as hard as you can to stop feeding your fears ..try harder than you have ever done before..You can do it..Think.. ok.. say I have hiv.. it could take years for me to die.. but then I could worry for years and then be ok and walk out in a street and get hit by a bus..or lightning etc.. So don't waste your youth on something that probably hasn't or isn't going to happen or just go and bite the bullet and get tested and get the worry over with..Either way good luck to you.. My mother used to say fear is a terrible thing..It will eat away at you like a cancer..Hope you feel better.. Michael

20-02-10, 01:32
Wish you could get over the fear as I often wish I could,there are times where I can get in the I don't care frame of mind but then you are young and you can't afford that..Just try as hard as you can to stop feeding your fears ..try harder than you have ever done before..You can do it..Think.. ok.. say I have hiv.. it could take years for me to die.. but then I could worry for years and then be ok and walk out in a street and get hit by a bus..or lightning etc.. So don't waste your youth on something that probably hasn't or isn't going to happen or just go and bite the bullet and get tested and get the worry over with..Either way good luck to you.. My mother used to say fear is a terrible thing..It will eat away at you like a cancer..Hope you feel better.. Michael

Thanks mike,, u never fail to reassure me

20-02-10, 01:45
I just wish I had a magic wand and could make it all go away but I don't. so you have to work on it for yourself..You are the only one that can do it.. Im sorry to say but just trying to encourage you ..Take care . live long and prosper.. Michael