View Full Version : Hello from me...

17-02-10, 10:01
My first post here...

I've recently experienced extreme anxiety and depression. I've started on citralopram 20mg, and initially it seems to have knocked me about - I experience real anxiety (I wouldn't really say they were panic attacks) but can have a whole day with "nerves jangling".

I work in NHS mental health services, and have a post-graduate qualification in cognitive therapy. I just thought this was worth mentioning to contextualise any future posts I may make. However, I've come to realise that I find it easier to give advice and not apply it to my own circumstances :wacko:...

I look forward to being with you all, learning from you all, helping where ever and whenever I can, and enjoying your company and companionship on our journies.

Hello to you all.


17-02-10, 10:03

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

17-02-10, 12:00
Hi MB, totally understand where you are coming from I am inbetween meds at the moment. I suffer bouts of depression/anxiety and have had to take medication to try and keep it at bay for 12 years now. During that time I mostly took citalopram. I used to wean my self off it from time to time when I thought I was doing ok then along came a bad spell and I would start it up again. Always felt pretty rough the first couple of weeks and would start on 10mg and slowly work up to avoid the side effects best I could. This past spell I have had started in October (I knew the signs but left starting the meds too late and ended up in a bad way), GP prescribed citalopram again and I have been taking it and went right up to 40mg (never been on this dose before), it helped but I was having spells of few good days and then a few bad so my GP has changed me to mirtazipine. I have been on them coming up to 2 weeks now having come off the citalopram in 1 week. Its been awful as I am suffering the electric shock syndrome (continuous zaps through my body all day every day) due to withdrawal of an SRRI and then experiencing the side effects from the new meds....not nice at all....feels like there is no end to it. This forum along with the support of my husband are all thats kept me going. Thats how I found out what the side effects are and that other people have experienced them. Thank God for this forum. Take care. Jo.

17-02-10, 17:34
Hi MB, :)

:welcome:to NMP. It's great that you've joined.

Best wishes :)