View Full Version : Really frustrated.

Panic Man
16-02-10, 11:36
I joined this site to try and distract my self, alleviate my anxiety and distract my mind from horrible thoughts due to mind boredome. I cant chat for five days, now I went to play a game and cant do that either until I create five threads!!!! Whats that all about, a bit of a NEGATIVE rule I would have thought, anybody agree?

16-02-10, 11:39
Hi Panic Man

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

16-02-10, 14:00
Hi Panic man

Welcome along to NMP!

You can chat to people on the forum and i'm sure there are loads of game site out there that you can play on. :)

Kind regards

16-02-10, 16:15
Hi and :welcome:

We had to do the 5 day before you can go in chat rule as people were signing up, going into chat and being abusive to others for no reason.

We figured that if you were serious about staying on NMP then you would be prepared to wait the 5 days before going in chat.

We have always said that if anyone contacts us and asks if they can go in earlier than 5 days we would consider that request.

The 5 posts before playing games was to discourage members from purely signing up to play games as it does frustrate genuine members on here.

Hope that helps explain it anyway.

16-02-10, 17:02
I think it's a fair rule and as Nic says it won't be long before you're able to chat and play the games here.

This site is supported purely through donations and the work put in by admin and members on a voluntary basis and we are very grateful for that, as this is a brilliant forum for help, support and advice.

Welcome to NMP

16-02-10, 19:32
I can understand why there are rules. There are strange people out there. It doesnt take long for the days to pass and replying to threads soon makes you a regular.
I only started a couple of weeks ago, not been on chat yet as I prefer messaging