View Full Version : How do people here cope with school?

15-02-10, 17:49
I'm scared silly of going out. It's not agoraphobia because I'm only scared when there's gonna be other people there, whether I know them or not.
Anyway. I used to be like this about 5 years ago and I completely dropped out of school and everything (I was only about 12) and ended up in hospital cos it was illegal for me not to go to school...
anyway, I'm somehow back to the 'terrified of attending school' thing. Its half term at the moment so I get a week off college, but I haven't been for two weeks before half term because I've been getting panic attacks about it. Thing is now it's not compulsary for me to attend college so if I don't go then thats just my problem to the college. I don't really want to drop out of college, I've done so much work since september, but I really don't see HOW on earth I'm going to continue. Every day is a huggge struggle and just the mention of 'college' can make me panic. I'm meant to be going to a Uni open day in London tomorrow and just had a huuuge panic about that.
Anyway. I was wondering is there anyone here my age who struggles attending school/college (or did when they were my age)? How do you cope? Do you think its an idea to drop out for a while to get some treatment and then start over again. or what?


15-02-10, 20:03
Hun you have to do what you feel is best for you but let me tell you that once you leave school it's going to be so much harder to go back!
I know you're scared and that the panic is awful to deal with!
When I first started college I could barely sit thru class!
And I didn't really comprehend anything that was going on in lecture because I was so busy trying to get thru it without running out the door!!
But the routine of it was what I needed.

Think about it. If you give into the panic and let it win then it will start to take over your life as it did mine!
I was housebound at one point for 4 years.
The only way I became able to get out and about was to push myself a little at a time and experience the anxiety but still go on.
As I did this the anxiety got less frequent and less intense.

As I said you have to do what you feel is best so in the end you have to decide but please think hard about it.

20-07-10, 00:57
well for me i'm still sitting here today trying to figure out what i'm gonna do with my life... because i tried college about a year ago and only could last 4 days ...i wanted to stick with it so very badly,but i just could'nt take the anxiety,pain,tears that i cried each night about it...it was just to hard for me... i pray to god that i find something soon that i can do..(hopefully something on my own) so i can support myself as i'm an adult still living with my parents... i wish u luck!

20-07-10, 01:44
I'm scared silly of going out. It's not agoraphobia because I'm only scared when there's gonna be other people there, whether I know them or not.

What is it about the people that worries you? Do you get anxiety around people? Do you consider yourself shy at all? Do you fear their judgement? Do you feel everyone else is better than you? Do you ever find yourself ever avoiding people or any specific people?

Sorry about all the questions, but I think I might know how you feel.

20-07-10, 22:51
Hiya, I'm probably not your age...but I do understand how your feeling. I dropped out of a course this year due to feeling anxious and panicky about being around people. Im starting a full time course in sept and also have an open day booked for uni in October....its scary but Im determined to get through it, and I'm sure you will too :)

23-07-10, 09:56
Try to do your best in classes, I think this will help you feel like you belong in the class, and try to foster a healthy social life outside of college so that those people aren't the entirety of your circle. I think these will help...