View Full Version : feeling alone

14-02-10, 19:54
im feeling really sad tonight and very alone even thoe im surounded by frineds ( well i hope there my friends )

i just wanna curl up in a ball and cry im struggling so much with even the siplest thing like takin gmy meds they sed i would be on them for life but i don think i wanna rely on drugs but if i come of them they will put me in hospital

so im really needing ahug tonight have alot of tuff descions to make this wek that will affect my life dramatacly

plaease if you havea spear hug
would love it keep me going

huggel georga xxxxxx

14-02-10, 19:57
:hugs::hugs::hugs:hope things get better for you:hugs::hugs::hugs:

14-02-10, 20:06
hey hopers
sweetie im sending you big huggles hunnyxxxxx i hope u feel better soon sweetiexxxxx keep wiggling u are head of the wigglets of nmpxxx thinking of u hunmy pm me if u need a chinwag any tym xxxx chin up sweetie and i always have a hug any tym sweetie take care xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx mwah xxxxxxxxxxx
x x x x x x x x x x x from emms "fellow wigglet" hehe x x x x x x x x

14-02-10, 20:08

Sorry you are feeling low hun.
Snding you big hugs


Hope you feel better soon

14-02-10, 20:38
Geo thinking of you and big hugs babes

love Emms xxxxxxxx

14-02-10, 21:18
BIG HUG from me too ,Hope you feel better soon ..:bighug1::bighug1:Luv Sue xx

14-02-10, 21:22
Hi Hopers,

I have a spare hug or nine - hope you start to feel better soon xxxx
:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::h ugs:and one for luck :hugs:

15-02-10, 05:05
Georrrgaaaaaaaaaa chin up girlie! I love ya lots xxxx:hugs:

15-02-10, 05:09
Im so sorry you are feeling bad..I feel this way many times up here in this rural place.You are among friends here and we care..and are here for you .. Michael

15-02-10, 07:22
:bighug1::hugs::shades::flowers::roflmao::grouphug ::bighug::sofa::emot-wave:

Hey Georga, hope your ok, yeah spare hugs always around here so some specially for you love x

15-02-10, 10:29
Hope you feel better soon Georga hun xxxx


16-02-10, 16:09
thanks fort he hugs they have ment alot....

i have disided to continue with my meds, and have dicded to keep with cpn for alitlle longer hoping things will inprove

my mood has been so low latley and im stuggling to keepmy head above water
my mum is tkaing maeli of my habds for to days to give me arest that i have needed for along wile.. i still feel alone and upset but im trying to consentrate on the positives i can find even thoe there are very few

love hopers xxxx

pink daisy
16-02-10, 21:52
hope u feel better soon G :-)
remember you have been here before and it gets better we have crap times too sometimes xx

17-02-10, 23:40
I love you loads hun . always here for u and ur never alone , ever .

u can always call me ok ? i hope u feel better soon hun love you

17-02-10, 23:43
Big hugs sent .... thinking of you x