View Full Version : Coming off Citalopram and feeling rubbish

08-02-10, 10:02
Hi there wondering if anyone else has had these side effects... coming off citalopram after 10 months 20 mg and i'm feeing awful. Really teary, stomach cramps, tired and a bit nauseous. Just no energy at all .. when does it get better !!

08-02-10, 10:03
Hi Stanley1

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

08-02-10, 10:05
thank you ! need some tlc so that's good ! xx

08-02-10, 10:32
take it very slowly ...dont rush yourself ....try to get plenty of sleep and keep hydrated .......you will be fine .......good luck xxxx

Mr Parfect
08-02-10, 20:09
Welcome to NMP

08-02-10, 20:12
Hi Stanley, I just started CIT, 20mg/day. I've read that coming off is almost the same as going on, the side effects are the same, sometimes the length having them is the same. But everyone says the same thing, it DOES get better. Good luck, we're all here for you. Let us know how you do!

09-02-10, 16:48
Hi Stanley, as above the side effects do ease with time, the best way is to reduce them very slowly this will help with the side effects. I have taken this medication on and off for quite a long time, and learned the longer you take to withdraw the less the effects you will have. I myself suffer from "brain Zaps" (the best way to describe) which are very unpleasant. I have just changed to mirtazipine 15ml so had to drop down from 40ml Citalopram in a week. Today is day 4 of the mirt and I have been having side effects from new drug and withdrawel effects from cit, not nice at all. GP said should subside after 7-10 days??/ I hope so.
Good luck