View Full Version : on edge all the time

29-01-10, 11:37
Hi everyone i thought id post on here as Im feeling pretty rubbish today....the past week or so ive been feeling strange and i cant pinpoint what it is...my mood as been very up and down and last night i woke up in the middle of the night feeling quite odd and confused.... it took me a few moments to realise where i actually was...i managed to drop back off to sleep but all the while i was feeling very un-nerved.....i hate this constant feeling of been on edge im so jumpy all the time.....im so convinced that im losing my mind or fear something terrible is going to happen to me any second....i feel as if im going to lose control or do something crazy....any one else suffered similiar symptoms???Im begining to think this is something more than anxiety:scared15::scared15:

29-01-10, 11:44
I'm like that most of the time ...........i think mine ( hope) is just anxiety

29-01-10, 11:56
no its anxiety , i get it to

29-01-10, 11:59
hi, this is completely normal :)

i suggest reading everything you can by Dr Claire Weekes.

29-01-10, 12:07
thanks for the replys....im sure it is just anxiety but its such an awful feeling, it seems to be with me all the time........ive suffered terrible panic attacks in the past but thankfully ive not had one since december... this feeling im having now is nothing like the fear i have before a panic attack its so much different.....thats why im so confused by it...i cant pinpoint the trigger (there doesnt seem to be one)so that i can deal with it........i will try and find a way to cope...thanks

29-01-10, 12:10
thanks idstain......i have read dr claire weeks books....i did find them useful but a bit dated in some respects...looks like i may have to dig them out and read them again...x

29-01-10, 12:39
hi clairabella,it is anxiety you feel this way,i have that almost constantly,some days worse than others.im feeling like that today,anxious and on edge,all seems a blur and im very confused,cant quite get it together feeling?!!,its so anoying,specialy when we dont feel anxious,its hard to get your head around it,but as i always say,tomorrow is another day,and if its the same,then ill yust cope and accept it,but i realy know how you feel.anxiety has many diffrent feelings and symptoms,none of which are pleasant and do spoil our day,but solider on love,it will wear off eventually.Talking and explaining dose help,so talk your troubles.hope your felling better real soon.xxxxx

29-01-10, 13:07
thanks bellalew.........im trying to cope with the feeling and like you say get my head around it.......i have no other physical symptoms at this time...no racing heart...dry mouth or any of the usual anxiety symptoms....just this annoying feeling of doom or im about to go crazy.........the worse part is like you mentioned i dont feel anxious....its obvious that i must be otherwise i wouldnt feel like this!!!!Thanks for your kind words....xx

29-01-10, 15:56

Yes I feel like that too, and fear that it is something more than anxiety. I feel that keeping myself busy helps, or reading takes my mind busy.

29-01-10, 16:13

I feel the same too. Some days are better than others but grrrr it's awful!

29-01-10, 18:54
thanks louise and sam for your replies......ive spent most of the day feeling absolutley shattered....ive tried to distract myself from this feeling but it doesnt seem to be working it just creeps in when i least expect it......oh well tommorrow is another day i really hope its a better one.....thanks...xx

30-01-10, 19:57
i feel exactly the same some days worse than others so on edge you could tip over into anxiety but you dont know why,im hoping this happens when your getting better,thats what im trying to tell myself its us testing ourselves just to see how far !!!!:shrug:

30-01-10, 20:17
I have been like this the past few weeks now and it really is upsetting. I am constantly living in fear that my relationship wont last and my bf will end up leaving me because i cant stop worrying and asking "what if's" like what if i move in with boyfriend and it doesnt work out or what if i am thinking this way because i have fallen out of love with him. I have been with him the past 6 years and i dont know why i have started to worry like this. I worry so miuch that my stomach gets sick and i get headaches but i dont get panic attacks (and please god i never will). I seem to be a bit better this evening than i have been in a few weeks. I have told my bf how i am feeling and he has told me that he is going no where and he doesnt think i am mad! I know to suvive this i will need him to stick by me. I am just praying i dont get worse cause i cant handle it as it is. I have started taking Valerina which is availalbe in most chemists. It relieves mild anxiety which i am praying i have.