View Full Version : New on here, but need help...

19-01-10, 15:32
Hello, I'm new on here...was given the link from a counsellor. I have been suffering from intolerable anxiety for the past 9 months. It's like I convince myself I've done bad things, and need constant reassurance that I haven't. I believe I've done things and these seeds of doubt get into my mind about something and it's like they grow and grow and it feels like I've got a big grey cloud above my head. I don't know if anyone else feels like this. I need like constant reassurance I've not done anything wrong. It really is making my life a misery, and I feel like I'm the only person in the world like this :(

19-01-10, 15:51

your not the only person that need reasurance
and you are certainly not alone

Welcome to the site im sure you will find loads of help and support here x

19-01-10, 21:40
It's just like, just when I feel like everything in life is good, I seem to want to find something to worry and stress about. I can never just relax, it's really horrible and I don't know what's wrong with me..
Or what I can do about it for that matter.

19-01-10, 21:52
Hello, no you are not the only one to feel like this. You'll find that out by reading posts on nmp. Any unpleasant thoughts get stuck and stay because we are afraid of them. And yes it is a miserable feeling but you can get over this. By accepting that the feelings happen because of our dislike of them. When we stop being afraid they cease to happen. You are not alone. Can I suggest you read one of Claire Weekes' books - she explains anxiety, symptoms, feelings, thoughts, etc. and why they happen. And how to conquer them. If you take her advice you will get great support from it. It has helped many here. You'll also get support and reassurance from this site.

19-01-10, 22:12
I want to get sorted, I've thought of going to the GPs but I'm too scared. I just want to be able to relax and enjoy life again like I used to :(