View Full Version : I want to be the old me again.

18-01-10, 19:15
Hi everyone.Iam sat here going out of my mind yet again,worrying about my health.I have had anxiety since last july and since then it has got progressively worse.I currently suffer from sharp pains in my head,thumping heart,pains in my arms and legs,aching pains in my neck and jaw i have blurred vision and floaters in my right eye,I also have constant lightheadedness.I have been to doctors over and over again,Ive had blood tests that came back clear had antibiotics because the docs thought i had the lightheadedness due to an ear infection,I took the course but still suffered.I went back and was told i needed my ears shringing,when i got there i was told it couldnt be done as i had no wax in my ears.Iam back to wondering and worrying that what i have got is something more sinister,Iam so scared.I cant cope with how i feel any longer.I nearly lost my job on Friday as i shouted and swore at two of my colleagues im constantly crying and my fiance has had enough of me.People dont understand how i feel.I want to be ME again.

18-01-10, 19:20
the good news you can be the old you again ,, been there got the t shirt ,,i am not 100% but a least not depressed now .have you seen Doctor are you on meds

18-01-10, 19:26
Hi.Iam not on any meds dont want anti depressants,started taking beta blokers but after reading the side effects it frightened me and i dont want to take them anymore.

18-01-10, 19:34
i don't take anti depressants don't agree with me,i do take 1x 10 mg of propranolol a day ,they help with the adrenaline gland as it is the gland that helps cause panic,so i find it helps ,,they are ok been on them 3 years ,, i have had all your symptoms and more,but i was determined ,this illness was not going to ruin my life ,i feel for you ,i really do ,but you will get better ,demand help from your Doctor ,he could put you in touch with help groups ,dont give up ,, dont let this win

18-01-10, 19:39
Thankyou Gypsywoman.I have an appointment with the doctor again wednesday.I feel they dont take me seriously they very rarely look away from their computer monitors,They just dont seem bothered.I will demand some help from the hopefully they will take notice this time.

18-01-10, 19:43
dont move from sugery till they listen its you right ,hope all goes well let me know maggie :hugs:

18-01-10, 20:41
Hi,just want to tell you I empathise with you. My anxiety actually started off with an illness, possibly Swine flu but will never know for sure. After that I had constant headaches which nothing would touch; just to note too that I started suffering from migraines 3 years ago andf had the vision problems. Anyway, I was told I had post-viral syndrome...went home and looked it up on the net and read "M.E." and felt totally freaked. Everytime I went to my doctors about the headaches I kept telling them that not only did I have headaches but it was affecting my thoughts. They were negative and everything, even the smallest task felt like an immense pressure. Nothing was done about my state of mind until I rang my hospital up in shear desperation and was seen immediately by the crisis team. The post-viral thing lasted for nearly 2 months and I felt shocking; it has left me with this awful anxiety. I am on meds and they have brought me out of the worst of it. I do fear becoming physically ill now admittedly, but I have stopped thinking there is something seriously wrong with me. It is awful and I am sure you don't have anything seriously wrong with you, this illness just really messes with your thought process, but I would demand that your doc sits up and takes notice of you.

18-01-10, 21:29
Hi Linzi i can never seem to put my symptoms into words, but you just done it for me, sorry to hear you not well, ive always been active and fit and busy with my lads and activities, it just frustrated and puzzled me cus it stopped me and thought something serious was wrong, im sorry to hear others suffering but reassuring in a way. Ive tried doctors aswell they did send me on anxiety coarse which was interesting, i had all the blood tests and ecg's, ear syrinnge and all good, i dont take any meds myself now cus they dont agree with me personaly and they did frighten me also, but depends on the person and do work for others, gypsywoman you now understand it and i just beginning to myself but it frightening as you well know from your experiences, not knowing whats going on with your body and mind and thoughts. tc all steve

Kirsty :)
27-01-10, 22:51
i completely understand where youre coming from! ive been suffering health anxiety for about a year now & i didnt know what it was. I'm only 19 (18 when it started.), & nobody understands. ive seen a councillor & was discharged a month ago but im not 100% so thinking of giving her a call. my councillor put it down to the traumatic pregnancy and birth that i had with my daughter, Moving home & doing a major college course all at once. plus my fiance has a brain tumour & even tho its benign, sometimes i think about it way too much & scare myself. I really hope to one day feel 100% again. & when i look at my gorgeous baby girls face i know ive got to pick myself up for her. The sad thing is id really like another baby this year... but it scares me the thought of pregnancy with having health anxiety & i had pre-eclampsia.
Also i sympathise with you on your symptoms. i sometimes went to the doctors & when i gothome found another symptom and would want to go back incase they missed anything. Its not easy is it. But with good support we can all beat this! x

28-01-10, 00:51
I was 3 weeks ago i want to get back to it

28-01-10, 08:35
I know exactly how you feel, My HA started in August. It happened after I had my first panic attack. Since then i've had severe HA. I want to be the 'old me' as well.

It's hard to believe just a few months ago, I was a completly different person, that didn't pay a lot of attention to my health. I'm on Beta Blockers too. 10mg a day and I've found they do actually help with a racing/pounding heart and adrenaline rushes. I was a bit scared to take them at first but I got over it. I've had no side effects and they work great. Just wanted to let you know that your not alone.