View Full Version : What colour are chicken pox scars

16-01-10, 15:45
I had chicken pox as a kid, when I was about 8 or 9, I have maybe 4 small white scars the size of spots on my body where they were and one kind of red scar on my side which I also think is a chicken pox scar.

My question is can chicken pox scars be red?? Im worried this one might not be a chicken pox scar and a sign of cancer or something (its def not just a spot as has been there years!)

16-01-10, 15:48

they start pinky coloured and end as indented skin coloured marks x

16-01-10, 15:51
why do we always assume the worst!! my grandad had skin cancer and it usually comes as like a scab type thing usually a dark pink or brown colour but that didn't have a cut for??? then it heals and returns.. in early days ..

it may be a mole don't panic too much if it worries you that much see a doctor but sure it is nothing to fret over to much (( hugs))

16-01-10, 16:16
Oh god so this wouldnt be still this colour about 15 years later! argh! I have quite a few moles, including quite a few new ones, I showed a doc and he just glanced at about 2 and said any noticeable changes and well I dont really examine them closely often so im not sure if they are bigger or have changed colour! Some do seem to have funny reddish outlines but im not sure really as some are quite hard to see!

Im just really scared now though as if they are suspect some of these moles ive had for years so the cancer could be very advanced and could have spread!

Im sorry about your grandad, I dont mean to fret,

16-01-10, 20:50
I am sure you don't have cancer. If you had had this mark, which is red and has been since you were a child, it is just part of you. A birthmark for example.

18-01-10, 10:06
Its not a birthmark, I first noticed it around the same time that I noticed my chicken pox scars, maybe when was about 10 or so. I have a few moles that are quite big and im not sure about (its v hard looking at them for me to work out if they look normal, fuzzy, perfectly symmetrical etc) but my doc just glanced at them, whereas a friend of mine was referred to a dermatologist to have a special light shone on them.... should I ask for this do you think? I have maybe 15 moles, and he glanced at 2 and said any noticeable changes and I said I had never really studied them before so wasnt exactly sure, and he just kind of shrugged and said well come back if you do notice changes!!

18-01-10, 10:51
I had chickenpox when I was four years old, it left me with a red scar on the back of my hand which only went away a couple of years ago. I'm pretty sure chickenpox scars can be red. It's only if it starts growing you can worry.